Finally here

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I woke up to Nash yelling at Sammy
"GET THE FUCKING GAS BRO IM TIRED AND JUST WANT TO BE THERE" "FINE BITCH" Sammy replied "omfg guys I WAS sleeping, I'll go get the gas" I got out of the car and started filling up the gas I paid and went back in. Nash said we were about 5 min away.
We FINALLY got there and we got our rooms I was sharing with Nash and that's all I knew, it was 9 am and I wasn't really tired but all the guys were so I made some pancakes and bacon and put it in the oven for when the guys woke up and watched some tv. I was watching Some cooking show when Sammy came out. Shirtless might I add. 😍
Ah I woke up feeling so good. I walked out and saw Mia sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket, it was 4 pm. Man was I hungry I grabbed some food and sat beside her. We talked about random shit then Grayson walked out and saw us and went outside. What was his deal?
Grayson's POV
I woke up around 4 and saw Mia and Sammy cuddly on the couch great I knew she didn't like me I just walked past them and went outside. It was so pretty out here, u decide to tan so I did just that.
By 6, all the guys were up and we decided to go for a swim, so everyone went to go change, gray seemed fine but I wondered why he was so upset, whatever.
Hmm ill wear my mint bikini top and black bottoms I threw them on and wrapped a towel around my tiny body and headed outside.
All the guys were starring at me as I got in what the fuck? I thought. Whatever
Nashs POV
I was swimming around when Mia caught my eye Daym did she look good but I wasn't the only one looked, all the guys were like no she's mine.

It was 5am and I was exhausted so we all went to bed after and event full and full of food night. I was lying down while Nash was showering. I was on my phone and I plugged it in, I felt the bed dip, nash came close to me and I saw his beautiful eyes look at me. We just stared for what felt like hours. When I finally Said night Nash and he just said goodnight beautiful and kissed my head and with that I fell asleep in Nash griers arms

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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