Leaving home

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Well... today is the day I start packing for my new life. If you haven't guessed it yet, I'm moving to Los Angeles to Peruse my acting career. I know I know I'm only 15 but hey I already lived quite a life. Man I miss magcon days, when no one was arguing and we were all a family. Oh well what can you do.
I started packing when I heard a knock on my door
Kristina(Mias sister) POV
I knocked on Mias door. I can't believe she is leaving me! I'm so sad but excited for her to do what she loves.
Mia opened the door her long light brown hair and green eyes sparkled from the sunlight shining through her black curtains.
So your leaving me huh? I stared as Mia walked into her closet grabbing piles of clothes. Yea I wish you could come with me K but mom and dad said no. I can't believe they are even letting me go! Mia said as she zipped up her last suitcase.
Well mom wants me to help her make lunch, see you I said walking out of her empty room. Man I'm gonna miss her

My sister walked out of my room sounding so sad, I feel so bad but I need to do what's best for me. I take my suitcases out to the front. Realizing its only 1 in the afternoon and I leave the house at 5 I went into the kitchen, asking my mom what's she's making. As I wanted for the food I went into my brothers room and we talked what felt like for hours but was only minutes. Wow I'm gonna miss him and his stupidity.
My mom interrupted our conversation saying the food is done and we went out and ate the food. Man was it good
When I was all done I went to my room and my phone started ringing it was Nash.

Nash POV
I decided to call Mia to see when she was leaving Toronto. She answered and I saw her green eyes sparkle in the camera. Man she's gorgeous I thought. I know I know Mia is only 15 but hey! You can't put an age on love. But it doesn't matter anyways she would never like me like that. We talked for a bit about randomness like always when she left to go to the airport so we said our good byes. Man I cannot wait for her to come!
A/N sorry if this sucks. Hopefully it'll get better❤️

LA loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora