Poisoned Love

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Once everyone was safely out of the house the ran into the woods that bordered the back yard. After a short distance Nathan stops and walks up to an old oak tree.
"What the hell are you doing?" Jake asks.
Nathan searches the tree and finds the hollow spot. He pulls out a sword. He holds it behind him and reaches FIR another sword. Everyone hesitates so Rose steps up and takes the swords. Nathan also pulls ow a red stone that looks like it has fire in it and hands it to Vince.
"What's this for m?" Vince asks examining the stone.
"Its to get us out of here I'm not sure where it can send us cause with the other stone the jumps are random." Nathan explains.
"What other stone?" Brianna asks getting pissed off.
"This one." Rose says pulling it out of her pocket and tossing it to Brianna. Brianna catches it and checks it out and glances at the stone in Vince's hand.
"But the stones are complete opposites." Hayley points out.
"That's why the jumps are random, there are eight stones one for each of the elements I have the one for fire and gave rise the one for water they can make you jump in time." Nathan explains.
"So two stones for each element then what happens when you have two stones of the same element?" Jinx asks.
"Then you jump what ever time the person in control of those elements wants, but two stones of the same element haven't been brought together in a long time the last time that happened the stones scattered." Nathan tells everyone.
Before Nathan can reveal his secret there is a loud screech from the monster chasing them. Everyone looks at each other then glances around. They aren't sure which direction the screech came from.
"We have to move and we have to move now." Rose says.
"Alright Vince you and Hayley hold the stones don't let them touch till we get to where we need to be, Rose and I will be defence since as it stands we have the only two weapons. What ever you do don't let it scratch you." Nathan explains.
Brianna hands over the water stone to Hayley. Hayley and Vince share a look that says everything the other needs to know. Rose and Nathan fasten the sheaths to them. The screeching gets closer to them and the group starts running to the east.
They run out of the forest on onto a empty street. "Quick everyone get under a street light that will hold it off for a while." Nathan says.
"Then what we wait for the lights to turn off and that thing eats us!" Jinx exclaims.
Nathan is about to respond when the creature comes out of the forest and charges at them.
Everything happens in the blink of any eye, Nathan and Rose don't have time to draw their swords before the creature scratches jinx. He hisses in pain at the new burning sensation in his chest. "Quick get him under the street light." Rose says as she draws her sword and blocks the creature from scratching anyone else.
The others drag jinx under the nearest street light and lay him on the ground. Nathan heads Rose fight the creature the two moving in perfect sync with each other as if they had done this before. Rose swings her sword and wounds the creature. And screeches in pain and vanishes before everyone's eyes.
Raise and Nathan rush over to Jinx. Rose kneels beside him and moves some hair out of his face. His eyes are slowly clouding over with a indescribable darkness. He breaths slowly in and out as if each breath could be his last.
"Jinx talk to me." Nathan says kneeling down next to Rose. "I see the shadows, shadows of people their lost and scared their voices fading in the wind." Jinx says quietly.
"Don't worry it's going to be alright." Nathan tells him.
"Guys I'm slipping into the darkness I can feel the darkness." Jinx whispers with a hint fear in his voice.
"Don't be scared it's going to be alright."Nathan tries to comfort his friend.
"The light burns." Jinx days loud enough for everyone to hear.
"We have to get him out of the light and leave him." Nathan scrapbooking at everyone.
"If he's turning into one of those things then why are we moving him out of the light?" Jake asks.
"Because he is family and if he is turning into one of those things then the light will kill him!" Nathan exclaims.
Everyone helps to move Jinx out from under the street light. They move him a safe distance away from any light. They say their last goodbyes and take off running down the street.

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