The Longest Break Up

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a/n: This is inspired by my tumblr entry from ages ago. tell me your thoughts about it! ;)


At 12am - you are starting to let go of the fact that you are going to sleep early tonight

'Come on Jade you need to suck it up. You need to get up early for work tomorrow. Can't you just close your eyes and doze off?!'

You scolded yourself and closed your eyes only to open it after a few minutes.

At 3am - you're still wide-awake scrolling through old messages

You miss her. You're missing her so much and you can't help but tear up again, even with your tired eyes.


You cursed knowing the dark circles under your eyes would be visible again tomorrow, and you won't be able to stop Sally from asking about you crying again over your break up with her.

At 6am - your alarm goes off. With you blankly staring at the ceiling, you didn't sleep again

You lazily drag yourself out of the bed to take a shower and as you pass by your vanity mirror you saw your first photo together taped lousily on the clear mirror. Her eyes closed, arms around your waist while you're kissing her head with eyes closed too, you're looking taller cause you wore heels and she wore boots and you remember how happy you were that time.

At 8:30am - you'll go to work only to lock yourself up in a bathroom stall to cry in silence

You're tightly clutching your phone with her number on speed dial 1. You hear her say;

'I want you to put me on your 1st speed dial. So you'll be able to call me if right away if anything happens.'

But you can't dial her number right now. Not now or ever. Cause she's broken up with you.

At 9:50am - you contemplate of sending her another message of 'where did I go wrong?'

You would never know the reason why, cause it all happened in one go and the next thing you know all her things are out of your condo and you're tightly grasping for her at the door trying to hold her back; but she drifted away like sand.

At 10:10am – Sally invited you for a short break and decline knowing it's her break time too.

You're terrified of bumping into her accidentally knowing you might throw yourself to her the instant you see her sable eyes and short bob or you might pull off a whole streak of crying again.

At 11:45am - you were waiting for lunchtime but you don't have the appetite to eat

You roam your eyes in the now empty office because they went out for lunch but you chose to stay behind imagining how your every lunch in the past six months was happily spent with Althea. Your Althea.

At 12pm – you ended up spending lunchtime over a cup of black coffee and cigarette at the building's rooftop

You've long forgotten your fear of heights since that night she held your hands and dared you to move to face your fears and when you opened your eyes, you opened them not only to the realm that there's nothing to fear about heights at all, but you opened them to the cold reality that you might be falling for her.

At 1:29pm - you return to your desk only to bury your head to incomprehensible stack of papers

You no longer take the task of photocopying, you stayed away from the photocopying room since she left you. Knowing if you'll wonder there alone you'll just remember her saying, 'Yes, I'll wait for you no matter what happens.' And your heart will break another piece of it for her.

At 2:08pm - you'll give up understanding what Sally was whining about for 30 minutes now.

You know it's only about how Paul's ignoring her advances and it will always be the same so shutting her out of your mind would be okay. Your memories with her reeled in and out of your tired, sleepless and restless mind.

At 3:00pm - you're praying for an answer from her

An answer you're helplessly waiting for a week now since she left. An answer that never came. Still you wait for.

At 4:45pm - you were checking the main door for even a shadow

You remember her peeking at the door, smiling because she can always easily spot you and you'll smile at how she patiently waits for 15 minutes until it's time for you to time out.

At 5:15pm - you were imperviously looking at your phone for any message or call

You remember how she never takes so long on replying or picking up your calls and how she will always greet you first even if you are the one who called. 'Hi love love.' You imagine her smiling and laughing on the other side of the line. You fall in love just the same.

At 6:00pm - you were on your way home.

You took the train instead of the cab, to avoid the unnecessary route to where her favorite park is.

At 7:15pm - you pushed the door open to your apartment and the first thing you see is your picture with her on a frame by the counter top.

Silence is gnawing in your sanity.

At 8:18pm - you were livid

You're giving yourself a pep talk you know will never work.

At 9:11pm - you were already losing hope

You're losing her. Slowly and all at once.

At 10:23pm - you opened your second bottle of wine thinking it'll help you fall asleep quick

You hear her remind you to stop taking to much wine, and you feel rebellious drinking your nth glass with melancholy at the edge of your smirk.

At 11:11pm - you were already lying on your bed, shifting from side to side to find that comfortable spot. Wishing for the pain and tears to stop.

You can smell her shampoo on your pillow. The weak scent of her still strong on your senses; fueling your deepest most pathetic desire, you wanted to touch yourself even with just a thought of her but you know it will never amount to the way she touches you.

At 12:01am - you were tired and you were starting to let go of the fact that you are going to sleep early tonight. Bothered of how many more nights you'd be like this.

You gave up to her again; you lived another day with her all over you. You can never really rip her off you and you accept the fact that in 10 years time you'll still feel the same about her. You forcefully lulled yourself with the lullaby she used to sing for you and as you start to finally drift off to sleep.

You heard the doorbell rang.

You jolted up.

Wide awake.

You looked to where the front door is and waited for another ring.

And it did.

You rushed out of the room to the door and without checking whom it was on the peephole you opened it in full swing.

'Hi love love.'

JaThea/RaStro One Shots (Lesbian Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon