Chapter 2

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Thalia's POV

I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping... praying, that someone would rescue me from this nightmare I wished I would never have.

His grip around me was tight as he tried to contain me but that didn't stop me from trying. I wiggled and kicked but I was quickly losing energy along with my hope. I thought about giving up but I knew I couldn't do that. I wouldn't. Not until the day that I get off this demon filled land.

"What the fuck do you want!" I cried still hitting him. He didn't respond but only tightened his grip around me causing me to gasp for air.

"I c-can't b-b-breath!" My voice barely audible because of the shortage of oxygen in my system. My heart was beating hard against my ribs. I was going to pass out any moment. I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness until finally, he loosened his hold around me.

"Who are you?" I ask after a few moments of me trying to regain my breath and strength. He doesn't respond, just stared at me intently which made me feel uneasy.

Should I make a run for it? Hell, I didn't even know my way around here how would I be able to hide from him?

Fuck it.

Before I knew it I was sprinting down the road that I came from. I could hear his footsteps hitting the ground and that only made me run faster.

It was hard to see what was in front of me but the moonlight that came through the trees gave me some guidance and I quickly made a turn into the trees in hopes to lose him. All around me I could hear nothing but crickets and the twigs that were snapping under my feet.

It was too quiet... If he was running after me why couldn't I hear him?

I stop and look around but all I see is trees and bushes. No curly haired boy anywhere in sight. I quickly scan the area again and when I see no movement I slowly start walking back to the street to find my car. I couldn't help the twigs that were snapping under me and every time it happened I mentally slapped myself for eating so much.

I stop in my tracks when I hear a twig snap... Only it wasn't me, it sounded a couple feet away. I immediately duck down and hide behind a bush, my back pushed up against a tree. I feel like my heart could burst at any given moment from the anxiety I'm getting.

I just wanted peace. That's all I ever asked for, peace. I needed a break from my hectic life and instead I get hit it the face with another obstacle that I don't think I can escape this time. I'm praying and praying that I will make it back home but from the circumstances I'm in, the chances are slim.

"Come out come out wherever you are.." A raspy voice fills the air. The words closer than I thought. My whole body tenses up and I hope this bush can hide me well enough.

"I know you're around here somewhere. I just want to play." The voice says evilly causing me to shiver. I want to cry and kill myself just to get it over with but something is telling me I have to fight.

His footsteps are getting louder and louder causing me to shake as I await what might happen next.

"If you think you can hide you're wrong." His voice sounds again only this time it's next to the tree I was hiding behind. I close my eyes and hold my breath not wanting to make a single sound. After a few moments I open my eyes an nearly pee myself.

"Boo." He whispers, hot breath fanning my face. At that moment I screamed. I screamed for everything. For boys, bitches, drama, and bad luck. He didn't seem affected though because he quickly grabbed my upper arm and threw me over his shoulder.

"You've been a naughty little girl. I think I need to teach you a lesson." This makes me cry harder than I've ever cried in my life. What did he mean punish? What was he going to do?

As he's carrying me I do whatever I can to make it difficult, hoping I could hit him in the one place nobody ever desired to be hit in. I swing and I pound but I just can't reach it. I sigh frustratingly. so close but so far away.

Im shocked when I'm throw to the ground, my back coming into contact with the cold hard ground, making me hiss in pain.

"What the fuck?!" I yell. Not caring about how he would react. "You could've killed me!"

He's silent for a moment looking at me with a smirk while running his hand through his overgrown hair. When he finally responds, I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach for the millionth time tonight.

"That's the plan."


Cheers to the boys new single infinity & the announcing of their new album Made In The AM which is on presale today! 🎉🎉

New update coming soon :))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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