Chapter 1

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February 11, 2007

"Harry come here for a minute" I heard my mom calling from her tent. I immediately got up from the campfire that had me in a trance and went to see what she wanted. We had been here for 10 days and it was quite relaxing especially since Gemma hasn't bothered me tonight which was a little surprising.

I walk over and as I'm about to step in the tent I hear a high pitched scream coming from somewhere in the trees around us. I frantically look around to find where it had came from, my eyes widening at the thought of someone out there needing help, when I hear a gun shot going off. The sound deafening. Now I'm really scared and my mind is spinning with thoughts of what could've just happened.

Please let it not be a murderer in the forest. I silently pray to god but It was only then that i realized that Gemma and my father were nowhere to be seen. My face dropped and I immediately run to my parents' tent only to find my mother smirking up at me with a knife in hand. My heart drops to my stomach and the color drains from my face.


"Come here sweetie mommy wants to show you something." She says but before she gets another word in I turn on my heels and dash for the forests. When I'm about to enter though, I hear twigs snapping and I look to the side only to find my father emerging with Gemma's lifeless body. Blood coming out of her head and scratches all over her body as if she was rolling around in the twigs.

That's why she hadn't bothered me.

Everything goes numb and I can feel the hot tears rolling down my face. My parents have gone psycho and my sister is dead. I'm shaken out of my thoughts when I hear my mothers voice scream from the tent for my father to not let me escape. Luckily he hadn't seen me so I make a run for it trying to not make as much noise as possible.


It feels like I've been running for hours but it's only been 10 minutes. My legs are on fire and my throat is in desperate need of water but I can't stop now. I must get out of this god forsaken place before they find me. I don't even know where I am or if I'm going in the right direction but I pray that I will find help.

I keep sprinting through the forest, adrenaline pumping through me and sweat dripping down my face. I look around for any sign of life but I find none making my hope drop a little thinking that I might just be running deeper into this forest.

I stop to catch my breath and tears quickly start pouring out. What had I done to deserve this? What made it worse was that it wasn't a murderer who we didn't know. It was my parents who had raised me and loved me for all my life but in that moment I couldn't help but feel abandoned.

February 11, 2015

Thalia's POV

"Are you sure you want to go by yourself? It could be dangerous out there in the mountains." My mom asks with worry clearly etched on her face. I ponder her question for a moment then finally shake my head.

"I need to clear my head from all this drama. You know... get some time away from the world." I knew I shouldn't go alone but I really needed to process how I felt with all this boyfriend and best friend drama although I think they should both rot in hell for what they've done. Bastards.

"Besides, I'm gonna be back in a few days so don't worry." I try to reassure her with a smile but I know it failed. I was hurt, I'll give you that. But what's done is done.

"Okay but please be safe and call me when you can." She says before embracing me in a hug. I smile at the fact that she cares so much even if I'm 21. It's comforting to know that she won't stab me in the back like all those other fake so called friends.

"Will do. I'll see you soon mom." I say as I walk to my car. I already loaded it with my suitcase and what not so I was ready to leave. I start the car up and wave to my mom before driving off. Not taking a single glance back.


After two long hours of driving I finally reach the cabin. The sun is already setting and it's getting scarier by the minute.

Goddammit what was I thinking coming here alone

I take a minute to think about if I should just turn around and leave and go somewhere else but I knew I couldn't do that. This is what I needed and if it meant being by myself in a forest then so be it.

Just as I'm about to turn my car off and unload I glance up from my hands and  my blood drains from my body when I see a man standing in front of my car.

My heart is beating a million times a second and I'm in utter shock. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Run him over? Get out and see what he wants?

No. I will not be stupid like those girls in scary movies so without hesitation I put my car in reverse and high tail the fuck out of there but I don't get far until my tire goes flat.

"Fuck!" I scream and hit the steering wheel in frustration. Now what? I try to see what had caused my tire to all of a sudden go flat when I see a knife sticking out of my back tire causing me to yell in frustration again.

I lock all my doors and climb in the backseat hiding under the chairs since the space was big enough for a small body like mine to be hidden.

I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket and turn the brightness all the way down looking for the phone app. When my eyes finally adjust I call 911 but with my luck there was no service.

I mentally curse myself out for even thinking about coming out here out of all places. By myself may I add.

I quickly put my phone down as silently as I can when I hear something being scratched against my car. My body freezes and I close my eyes hoping for this man to go away and let me be. But of course I knew that wasn't gonna happen.

It goes silent for a few minutes and I start to think he left but when I'm about to crawl out of the space I nearly scream when a rock is thrown at my car window causing the shattered glass to fall everywhere and in that moment I knew I was going to die. With the window being shattered, my car was as useless as a heater in the summer.

Tears are involuntarily coming out of my eyes and I try to stay as silent as I can when I hear the door opening slowly. Revealing a tall man with curly hair and green eyes that could kill.

It's silent for a moment with nothing but crickets that could be heard in the background. I hold my breath and wait for him to do something when I feel a rough hand grab my ankle and drag me out from my hiding space causing my world to crumble right then and there.

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