Chapter 1 Life Itself

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They say that in the eyes of a child lies the undeniable famous fairy tale world. They see the world full of colors, wonderful things happened, creating their own world with full of laugh and joy. As for me it was short live. I never understand why sudden things happen, why once the colorful world turns to darkness. Everything you wanted turned to ashes. Everyone you cherished fade away, everyone seems to forget that I exist because everyone who became part of my life leaves me.

I'm Allyra Lei Henderson I learned how to live my life the hardest way. I was an orphan at the age of 5, my parents died in a tragic event that occurred on our very own home. I was in trauma for 2 years, my aunt took care of me because she's the only relative I have. She doesn't have her own family but she treated me like her own. She was kind, patient, lovable, caring but strict in other ways. When I turn 15 she shielded me to those suitors I had in school. I almost rebel to her for her ways in handling my life. I will never forget what she said to me when I confronted her a day before my 18th birthday.
"They will just play with you and hurt you, they are not worth your love dear. " she calmly said to me
"but I will never know that. if I will not try. How would you know they are not worth it? " I bit back to her
"trust me dear. I know. Someday the right person will come, he will be your everything and you will be his. Just be patient dear. He will be able to find you. " she patted my shoulder and leave

I didn't know that will be the last conversation I will have for her.

Three years had passed I'm standing in front of her tomb. I don't want to cry but my life is a mess now. I always run here whenever I'm sad or happy, she's the true best friend I had. Beside her tomb is my parents tomb. My parents that I can't remember. Even the event that happen in our own home. But the event I will never forget is when my Aunt was murdered. I close my eyes, then the memory flooded to me.

It was that evening after our conversation that I stayed in my room and didn't even talk to her or eat dinner with her. I was awoken by a sudden noise at the living room. I tip toe to see what is happening and I heard voices arguing. I recognize one as my aunt voice. "You can't possibly walk in here in my own house to demand things you don't have rights. " she said anger lacing in her voice. I never heard her like that. Sure sometimes I made her angry but I never heard her that angry. I positioned myself to see who she is talking to.
"I have the very rights to claim her!" says the bulky man I can sense that his angry more. As I assessed him his strong and there is something in him that scream danger and power.
"oh really? Last time I check yours died. " she laughed but was short. I cover my mouth to not let my gasp came. My Aunt was thrown to the floor. Anger built in me but before I can lunged to bulky man I saw my Aunt staring at me and she mouthed something. I don't want to obey her but the looks in her eyes gave it away.
I silently walk back to my room and take some cash and the box that laid in my table. I obey her. It keeps in my head what she said while lying there. "Don't.. Run. Never look back. I love you. Go now" I was crying but I never stop running. I don't care how many times I trip along the way. All I need is to run. I run.. Run.. Run until I can't no longer run.. I was trip again but I laid there sobbing and screaming silently.
I haven't realized that I'm kneeling in front of my Love ones tomb crying yet again.
Why life is cruel to me? Why fate wanted me to be alone? Why me?
I thought life after I ran away would be alright again. Because I met two person who stick beside me. Little by little I saw color to the world again. 

Little did I know how twisted life would be and so it seems.

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