-Part 1-

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A/N: hey. please, enjoy. 😊 just to clarify Elizabeth is 19 years old and Ann is 11 years old. You're welcome to correct any mistakes

"Liz?" Ann croaked from the bed. She was curled in a ball, trying to keep warm. She pulled her blanket down under her chin, the action causing her to cough slightly. She rasped and clawed at her throat.

"Lizzy?" Honestly, her voice broke my heart a little but I continued to stand by the door and watch her struggle. What if I killed her? Would I end her misery? I'd probably kill my only happiness in this world. What am I thinking? She's my sister, I'm not that cruel. She needs to stay alive. She needs to achieve her purpose.

I quickly drifted to her side by the tiny bed. I pulled out my golden locket and gently held it to her mouth. My dad's face flashed through my mind but quickly blurred. I never really knew my dad well.  Ann opened her mouth in an instance, her face swiftly transforming. Her lips parted and when her jaw couldn't open wider, they dislocated creating a wider gap cracking horrifyingly. Her lips ripped in the middle revealing short but sharp teeth underneath. Her blood started dribbling down her mouth to her neck yet she showed no signs of pain.

My locket, a 5cm sided hexagon, clouded a little before the black jewel embroiled in the middle lifted off the locket. Thick black smoke swirled from the locket into Ann's tattered mouth.  Ann's back arched as she sucked in the smoke that floated around the locket. She sighed contently.

Soon the smoke was gone.  Ann giggled, her bloodied mouth merging back to human form.

"Thanks big sis. I owe you again. That was absolutely delicious." Ann's weak hand trembled as she pat my hand softly. I pocketed my locket and offered her a small smile. Her blood red eyes started into my pitch black ones. Her snow white hair stuck to her forehead due to the sweat when devouring the soul.

"Good. It belonged to some mortal. Its blood was tasty." Ann's smile widened.

"I'm glad we could share a meal. I love you big sis." I patted her head, hesitantly. It was hard for someone like me to show too much affection.

"I'm going hunting again. I just...want you to get better." I said desolately.

"I do too. We can play tag again, like we used to. Remember?" Her sickly sweet smile almost made me want to vomit. I love her but I knew how much of an demonic being she was, just as I am. I wasn't as easily manipulated as normal mortals. Though sometimes she did pull at my heart strings.

"Oh, I remember Little One." I held my chin high as I exited the house that protected us from everything, the world.

Keeping in mind the memory of a small fragile girl running freely in the sunshine.

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