-Part 2-

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A/N: hey guys. It's Lynn again and I hope you like the chapter 😁 just to clarify Jason is 18 years old. SORRY FOR THE HOLD UP BTW I WASN'T FEELING MOTIVATED SO (SLOW UPDATES)

Jason's P.O.V
The night chilly wind tickled the nape of my neck as I rubbed at my shoulders. I wish I brought my thick blue scarf now. Today was normal, dull, boring...I don't know. I rarely feel much anymore. I pulled at my black leather jacket. Why the heck did it have to be so cold tonight?

I was coming home from work like every other day. School was stupid. Bullies were always seeking for the chance to make someone feel shit. I worked at the local grocery store. I didn't earn much but it was enough to feed myself and pay rent for the apartment my orphanage offered.

The wind blew harder and whipped at my black shaggy hair. I passed a women who was passed out and huddled on the floor. She had a cracked plastic cup in front of her with barely any coins in it. I was glad I wasn't that lady. I stopped and silently observed her. She had a thin grey t shirt on. Her jeans were ripped at the knees and I could see goosebumps all over her skin. I could clearly see her shivering which made my heart squeeze.

I made up my mind. I shrugged off my jacket, the cold air biting at my skin. Quickly wrapping the woman with my jacket, the women slowly stopped shaking so hard. Satisfied, I quickly walked away shoving my hands in my pockets.

Only a couple minutes later I realised I was missing something. The 10 dollar note that used to inhabit my left pocket was missing.
"Bloody hell." I rolled my eyes in irritation and proceeded to walk home faster. I was done with this world. All the sick people in it. If my little brother wasn't dead or my missing parents were here, maybe things would be different.

"AHHH!" I swivelled around speedily. My heart beat accelerated by 100 times, it seemed. The bone chilling scream came from the direction I just walked from. What if someone needed help? My skinny legs started moving and I jogged unsteadily towards the sound. What I saw next made me sick to the stomach.

Blood. Everywhere. On the walls. On the floor. In a giant puddle. On her face. On her clothes. On my...leather jacket.

"H-help...me...please." The lady who just stole my money was lying in a heap on the floor in her own pool of blood. My eyes widened as I realised a young girl had a dagger sticking out of the woman's chest. I...I didn't know what to do. Do I help her or do I leave? I stumbled forwards but her ice voice stopped me.

"She's dead. Don't bother." She pulled out her dagger which resulted to more blood to gush out of the woman. My face scrunched in disgust.

"Why? Why would you do that?" My voice was weak and I cringed at how vulnerable I sounded.

"I need her soul. And she stole your things. Right? Think of it as justice." Her pink lips stretched into a sadistic smirk. She pulled my jacket off the woman and threw it in my direction. I looked down at it uneasily.

"You took her life! She stole 10 bucks, yeah. But you don't take someone's life for that! That's just cruel and evil. She didn't deserve any of this, not her life to be taken. This is not justice!" I was breathing heavily by the time I finished. The girl just rolled her eyes and slid her dagger back into her belt. My eyes followed her movements.

She was a slim person yet you could tell she was fit as heck. The young lady had shoulder length hair streaked with colours of red, green and black. She had black tights on and a black and red jacket wrapped around her upper body. She wore black hiking boots which was now splattered with blood. The girl had a red utility belt strapped around her waist which seemed to have other daggers fitted on them. The girl seemed to have a golden chain around her neck. She also had a transparent black ring around her index finger. For some apparent reason, I seemed very attracted to it. She noticed me eyeing it.

"Do you know necromancy? It's the ability to communicate with the dead and the use of magic." The girl cocked her head to the side slightly. She wiggled her slender fingers in front of her face.
"I can use it. This ring enhances my powers. I can control the dead. I can also...suck souls." She pointed her index finger towards the dying woman. I almost forgot her. Black smoke seemed to flow out of the lady's mouth and trailed to the girls locket. It was so out of the world, how was any of this possible? I didn't even know how I could still stand here and not break down crying. I was always a sensitive person.

"You handled this pretty well. I'll let you live. You're pretty cute too. Adios...Jason." She smiled genuinely before disappearing in the shadows, leaving the dead woman at my feet. My knees finally gave out and I dropped onto my wet jacket.

"What. The. Hell." How the fuck did she know my name? Is it also weird that she kind of seemed familiar?

Elizabeth's P.O.V
Before encounter with Jason•
Ann's voice echoed in my mind.
"Don't kill him Lizzy. Please? I like him." In this very rare moment, I'd do anything for her. Her eyes, though red, had wonder and curiosity in them which almost made me think she was back to normal again.

"Sure thing Annie." Walking out the door, I glimpsed at her face again. She hugged the globe which bared the image of a boy walking home alone.

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