Chapter 3

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~Johnnie's POV~

"Take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight... This is our Rebel Love Song" started playing from my phone, meaning Kyle was texting me. I hopped out of bed and checked my phone. I couldn't help but smile when he text me.

K-What's up, dawg?
J-Just woke up when you text me
K-I'm sorry. I'll text you later.
J-No, you're fine. I wasn't sleeping very well anyway.

That last text was a total lie, but he didn't need to know that. Clearly, I wasn't going back to sleep now. I quietly walked into the kitchen to make coffee, Gerard Way's favorite. I started my coffee when I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my batman pajama pants.

K-Okay... What are you doing?
J- Making liquid happiness... You?
K-Riding my penny board to Hell
J-Well that sucks.
K-Yeah it does...

"Ding!" Well, my coffee was done. I grabbed my mug, filled it, and added vanilla creamer. I know call me gay. It happens a lot. I'm a mega loser and whatever else I get called because it's true. Everything they say is true...

I snapped out of my thoughts when Kyle text me and told me he had to go. We said goodbye and I just sat there, staring out the window. I felt lonely now...

I was no longer texting Kyle David Hall at 4 in the morning, and I didn't like it.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Sorry it's so short. I'm on my bus and I wanted the chapter to end a certain way.
~Agent Revenge

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