Introduction -Jason-

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        His eyes never met mine as my parents walked in with him. His skin was pale, almost translucent, and covered in large purple bruises. The boy hardly seemed to be thirteen. His eyes had large dark circles around them and it looked as if he hadn't slept for a while. He was wearing a large jacket and a pair sweatpants.
           "Jason," my mother spoke, making me look up.
         "What's up mom?" My fifteen year old self asked.
        "Will you please go get Mumei a ibuprofen?" My mom asked giving me a weak smile.
       I nodded and looked at the boy, Mumei, my new adopted brother. When mom said they were adopting a boy I thought they'd come home with a happy toddler, not a rough looking youngish boy.
       I turned around when a soft, timid voice spoke behind me. "T-thank you," Mumei said quietly.
         My heart clenched and went out to they boy standing close to my parents, fear radiating  off him. "It's nothing. Want to come with me? I can go ahead and show you the room," I said turning back around and giving him a reassuring smile. I held my hand out as he look up at my mom nervously. My mother smiled and nodded to Mumei. He hesitated some before stepping forward and taking my hand, his smaller, more fragile one wrapping around my own. I smiled softly and lead him upstairs. I showed him to the main bathroom and got out a bottle of the pills. I read the back before asking, "How old are you Mumei?"
       "I uh, I'm fourteen," he spoke quietly and hesitantly.
      I nodded and poured out the correct amount of pills in my hand, keeping down the shock of his age. I handed him the medicine a gentle smile on my lips. He looked at the pills for a moment and slowly took them. I watched in confusion but didn't speak. He opened his dark blue eyes and looked down.
       "C'mon I'll show you to the room," I said taking his hand again.
        He flinched and quickly pulled away his hand at first, panic crossing his features. A sudden look of relief crossed Mumei's face and he took my hand again, his smaller hand gripping my larger. He shyly looked up apologetically and I shrugged giving him a reassuring smiling.
        I lead him into my, well, our room. "This is our room, well for now at least. Mom's  cleaning up the basement for you," I explained.
      He quietly nodded and looked around curiously. A yawn crossed through his lips and he frowned.
     "Do you want to lay down?" I asked looking down at him.
     His head instantly shook no and he moved closer to me, lightly hiding himself into my side. "I-I don't like sleeping," he whispered, looking up at me.
    My arm lightly wrapped around him and I nodded. "Okay... Well, mom's probably starting dinner, want to watch a movie or something while we wait?" I asked.
      A small, childish grin crossed his lips and he nodded happily. He moved onto my bed, grinning up at me happily. I laughed softly and turned on the tv. I climbed onto my bed and laid down with the remote. Mumei laid beside me and curled close.
          I have a feeling we're going to more friends than brothers. I thought as I turned on a movie.
     Mumei watched happily as tangled came on. Soft, childish giggles left his lips as he watched the movie. After a while mom poked her head in and looked at us in amazement. She looked at me clearly confused at how happy and childish the boy was. I shrugged a bit and she lightly sighed.
      "C'mon boys time for dinner," she said walking in and smiling softly.
       A large pout crossed Mumei's lips and he nodded. I laughed a small bit and ruffled his hair as I paused the movie.
     "Don't worry we can keep watching it when we finish eating," I said getting up.
      Mumei nodded and got up as well, following me down the stairs. He froze looking at the table, and shyly bit his lip before sitting down. After eating a couple bites and playing with his food he claimed he was full. He then rushed upstairs without another word. I looked at mom with pleading eyes earning a small nod from her. I rushed upstairs after him and into our room.
                    ~Three years later~
          I groaned softly as my alarm clock went off. I hit it with my left hand as my right arm curled around Mumei tighter. Mumei shifted and nuzzled my chin lightly.
         "Mumei, c'mon it's time for me to go to school," I murmured, nuzzling his head.
          A soft snort left the boy and he just curled closer to me.
         "Oh please Mumei you know better than anyone I'd love to stay here and get watch movies with you all day but I'm not as smart as you so I haven't graduated early," I said with a small laugh and lightly pushed him away.
         "Fuck off and just skip today," Mumei growled and threw his arms around me again, curling closer.
          "Just because your my best friend doesn't mean I'm giving up my education for you babe," I said ruffling his hair.
           He grumbled and let go, curling up on "his side" of the bed. I laughed and stood, pulling on my skinny jeans and a band shirt. My fingers ran through my dark hair. I turned to him a serious look on my face.
         "I want you to take meds today Mumei. I know you don't like to but they help," I said walking over and kissing his head.
         Mumei rolled onto his back, his blonde hair spraying against his forehead. His dark blue eyes looked into my brown eyes. He a nodded and sat up holding out his arms.
        "Hug," he demanded tiredly.
          I chuckled softly and leaned down, capturing my short, best friend and adopted brother in a hug. "I'll call you around noon, get up and take your pills around nine and then if you want go back to sleep," I instructed, making him nod against my shoulder. 
         "Mom said last night that she'll be here it check on you around two and I get out at three. If you need anything just call me okay?" I said, a bit of concern lacing my voice as I kissed his head again.
         "Don't worry Jason, I'll be okay. I'm getting better remember?" Mumei said, nuzzling my collar bone lightly.
         I sighed and nodded. "I know, we just all worry. " I said gently kissing his temple.
        I stood and to my surprise so did Mumei. The large shirt of mine he had stolen to sleep on almost fell to his knees. He walked over to my drawers and rummaged through them before pulling out my mint beanie and sliding it onto my head. He let his hand play with my gauge for a moment before nodding.
           I grinned softly and kissed his head. 
          "By shorty. "
           Mumei's arms crossed over his chest and he smiled. "Whatever. I'm going back to bed. Bye, be careful," he said climbing back into my bed.
        No matter how "mad" he was he always told me to be careful before I left. "I will. " I said kissing his head. I didn't mind that he preferred to spend time in my room. I understand that he doesn't feel comfortable in his own room. 
       I got my keys and left, driving to the local high school. I walked in, fussing with my phone for a moment.
I sighed and went to my class.
       ~at noon~
     I got my phone out and called Mumei.
    When the call connected gasping and sobbing filled my ear. "...Home.... Need.... Home..." Mumei gasped out through his sobs.
     I instantly filled with worry and grabbed my keys. "Babe I need you to take deep breaths and tell me what happened. I'm on my way home," I soothingly as I ran out to my car.
        "Dream," Mumei said sobbing harder.
       Nightmare. He had another nightmare. He rarely had them anymore, his medicine stopped them usually. "Okay baby, what about your medicine? Have you taken it?" I asked as I got in my car and started to drive.
       "Out of pills," Mumei said with a sniffle as he cries calmed down.
       "Okay. It's okay. I'm on way, I'll be there in a second just stay on the phone with me," I instructed.
         Mumei took deep breathes, calming a bit. After a few moments of soothing and breathing I pulled into the driveway. I rushed in ending the call. Mumei ran down the stairs and I picked him up, holding him carefully. His crying started up again as he buried his face in my neck.
         "It's alright babe I'm here," I soothed rubbing his back gently.
         Around twenty minutes later his sobs died down and he drifted asleep. His smaller body desperately clinging to mine. I sighed softly and gently kissed his temple as I hummed softly, rocking him slightly.
         Flashback •two years earlier•
      It was Mumei's fifteenth birthday but for some reason he seemed... Off. I thought nothing of it and cheerfully talked to him and had fun with him, mom, and even dad a little. At around ten he went up to take a shower. I went to go knock on the door a bit later to ask him to use the bathroom.  
    "Hellooooo?" He called his voice slurry.
   "Mumei? Are you okay? Can I come in?" I asked a bit worried. Did he get drunk?
     The door opened and a sick looking Mumei stumbled out. His arms wrapped around me. "I'm sorry Jason. I'm gonna miss you," he slurred kissing my cheek.
    "What do you mean? You aren't going anywhere. " I said calmly.
     He nodded. "No no I am. I'm going very far away. Can't stay here anymore. Too much hurt. "'He mumbled to himself. I looked at him confused. He didn't smell like liquor. I looked in the bathroom and my eyes widened. A bottle of pills laid on the floor, some scatter.
   "Oh my god, Mumei!" I said picking up the boy. His eyes were fluttering closed and I turned on the shower getting in the tub with him.
     "No no no you have to stay alive babe. C'mon open your eyes!" I pleaded tears flowing freely down my cheeks. 
     "Mom! Mumei needs help mom call nine one one!" I yelled.
     She ran upstairs and gasped as I tried to gag him so he would throw up the pills. She called nine one one and he coughed up, throwing up some of the pills.
    That night they pumped his stomach and declared he needed help so he had to stay at a mental hospital for about a week. After that he was put on meds and okay for the most part.
       Flashback Over
     My grip on Mumei tightened and tears filled my eyes.
     "I love you. " I mumbled to the sleeping boy as I gently laid him in bed and kissed his head.
New book 💕 tell me what you guys think 😁✌🏼️

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