Chapter Four -Jason-

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  I cradled the crying boy in my arms close, kissing his head and cooing gently in his ear.
  "Babe relax. Nothing is your fault," I soothed gently, kissing his forehead and gently rubbing my fingers through his hair.
  He blubbered nonsense and I sighed, gently rocking him. Soon he fell asleep and mom sighed deeply.
  "When we get home, lay him in my bedroom, just wrap one of your blankets around him," she said quietly.
   I nodded and rubbed the sleeping boys back. After we got home and I settled him down and fell asleep.
Hey handsome want to come over?
I bit my lip.
I'll ask, idk though love, Mumei is pretty freaked out.
   He'll be fine or an afternoon or night, besides isn't your mom there?
Yeah your right. I'll be there soon.
"Mom I'm going to Matt's today," I called up. I heart footsteps much softer then my moms come downstairs.
"Mom said okay," Mumei mumbled looking at the ground. My shirt hung off his shoulder as well as his pajama pants. His skin was a little paler than usual. Dark circles filed out around his eyes.
     "Mumei, are you okay?" I asked, my arms wrapping around him gently.
     His head settled into my neck and I felt wet tears stain my skin. I picked him up and cradled him close, his small hands digging into my shirt.
    "I don't feel good," he hiccuped.
     "Oh babe, I'm sorry. How about I get you some medicine and get you all cuddled up in bed, yeah?" I soothed, walking towards my room. He sniffled and nodded.
    I laid him down on my bed and made sure he was comfortable after giving him medicine. I kissed his head. "I'll tell mom to come check on you in a bit. Love you Mumei. "
    "Love you too," he murmured, curling into the pillows.
   I walked down to the laundry room. "Hey mom, Mumei is sleeping up in my bed, I'm going to Matt's," I said quickly kissing her cheek.
   "Okay! Be safe, and honey when you come home please spend time with Mumei. It's been a week since the picnic and he's still stuck in a rut," my mom said kissing my cheek.
   I nodded. "Yes ma'am. "
   I scooped Matt up, twirling him around some, listening to him laugh.
   "Stop Jason!" He laughed. I smiled and held my "friend" close. I planned on making official tonight.
  Matt smiled and leaned up, kissing my cheek. I held him close by his waist with a grin.
   "Go get your coat, we're going out. " I say kissing his temple. He grinned and complied, going and grabbing a jacket. He came down wearing a jacket I'd left over last time. Mumei looks better in it. I groaned inwardly at my thoughts and walked over to Matt, taking his hand.
    "Let's go love," I said leading him out to my car. I hope Mumei is okay. I should've stayed home. I bit back a sigh at my worried thoughts. I returned my focus on Matt who was talking.
    "But he just yelled at me in front of every one!" The red head complained with a huff.
    "Oh I'm sorry baby. " I sympathized.
     I pulled to a stop in front of a large candy shop on the walkway and smiled. "Ready?" I asked looking at him.
   Matt grinned and nodded, getting out and pulling me towards the store. After spending some time shopping in the candy shop we went to a couple more. When we entered a jewelry shop he looked at a necklace with a wistful sigh. I grinned and talked to the man behind the counter for a minute.
   "Hey baby why don't you go to the car? I'll meet you there. " I said making Matt nod and begin towards the car. I bought the necklace and his favorite type of candy before going to the car.
    I got in the car and looked at him. "Matt the past week of knowing you has been amazing, and I truly honestly like you, I like your smile and your eyes and just you. So will you do the honors of being my boyfriend?" I asked handing him the back. He grinned and nodded, throwing his arms around me.  
   "I would love to be your boyfriend!" He said with a giggle. I smiled and kissed him gently, holding his waist.
   I woke up slowly the next morning and rubbed my eyes. I got my phone out and looked at it with a yawn. My eyes widened as I saw my moms number pop up again.
  42 missed calls
  I answered and was about to talk only to be cut off. "Jason where the fuck are you? I've been calling you all day, it's two in the afternoon! Mumei had three panic attacks, threw up twice, and hasn't ate! You can't even bother to answer your phone when your brother is sick! You need to get your ass home now, I can't get him to eat anything," my mom scolded, her voice cracking at the end. Matt looked up at me confused and I held up a finger.
   "I'm sorry mom, we fell asleep. I'll be there soon, and can I bring Matt?" I said sitting up. 
   "Sure I don't care just hurry. " she said before hanging up.
   "Get dressed baby, we've got to go to my house," I said getting up and running my fingers through  my hair before getting a shirt on, since I had just slept in a pair of boxers and sweat pants. Matt nodded and stood, the large tshirt he was wearing almost going past mid thigh. He slipped on a pair of jeans and messed with his hair before looking at me. I got my keys and phone before leading him out to my truck.
    "Why was your mom yelling?" Matt asked.
    "Mumei got sick and mom couldn't get ahold of me. " I sighed.
   "Why did she need to get ahold of you? He was probably overreacting like he was at the picnic. If you ask me, he's a drama queen," Matt said rolling his eyes. "Like he honestly makes everything into a big deal. He didn't have to start crying and crap at the picnic. "
    I bit my lip. "Matt... Mumei doesn't mean for stuff like that to happen. He's had some... Stuff.. Happen to him that sort of left him fragile. " I explained quietly.
   "Like what? It must be pretty bad to get him like that. " Matt huffed.
   "When he was younger a gang member forced him to stay with him. He beat Mumei and raped him more than once, not to mention my dad was really shitty to him before my parents got a divorce. " I said, my grip on the steering wheel tightening.
   "Oh.... That's terrible," Matt said, his voice full sympathy.
    "Yeah, he just... Needs a little extra love," I said with a small shrug. Matt nodded quietly.
   I pulled into the driveway and got out, opening Matt's door for him. We walked inside and my mom rushed up the stairs.

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