Getting the Mission

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The name Alison and I'm kinda like the the paparazzi . I have this blog that I write about celebrities to find out all the dish on them even though most of the things I write about is what assume is happening that why the name of the blog is called "Rumor Has It". I been getting mayor request about some boy band name One Direction, They seem very famous but a little bit snobby for me to handle . I logged on to my website and check my fan mail seem like the norm as always. I kept scrolling until I heard my phone ring to its loudest. I pick up my black customize iPhone and answer the call.

"Hello? " I answered without checking the caller ID.

" Hey Ali it's me Paige " she answer very cheerful which was kinda unusual

"We need to talk" she cut me off before I can say something she sounded serious

"You have to do a story on one direction Toby outside waiting for you he's going to give you a suitcase full of stuff and a folder with instruction you need to follow. You can't fail me or past this offer this time UNDERSTOOD MAXWELL OR YOUR FIRED?!?!" she hung up before I can reply

"Shit..." I mumbled to myself . Okay maybe I lied about "Rumor Has It" is a blog it more like the world's most read magazine and I'm not the owner . More like an employ , all I do is just write story about celebrities that I know isn't true but usually it always end up true . So I really don't know what up but I guess I might as well see what in the suitcase and folder I being given . I got up from my chair and started to stretch a little and started walking out my small apartment complex. I live here alone , I guess I'm pretty much a loner since I never been kissed by a boy , let alone been in a relationship . The only fiscal contact I have with the male species is hugging my own father or my bother . I mostly have all girl cousin so yeah , I never been liked in high school. That why I decided to be home schooled other than live the normal teenage dream of going to high school. I go up to my doorstep and see a tall handsome man standing there holding a suitcase and a briefcase .

" Are you Alison Mary Maxwell" The man said sternly

"yes I am " I nodded

" I'm need some finger prints " he said with a cold hard stare then handed me this paper . I pressed my thumb on the paper and it showed my finger print

" that will be all" he turned around and walk into a black very expense car and drove off leaving me with a suitcase in hand and a brief case . He didn't even help me bring anything in to my apartment . I cursed under my breath swearing every curse word i knew. I unlock my door and drag the suitcase and briefcase in the living room. I sat on my cold hard wooden floor and laid the suit case on the floor and unzipped it slowly . There were two wigs one curly and one straight , there was a wig cap . I took them out and under it were contact of the color blue and brown and the rest were clothes . I pulled some out and took a good look at them . They weren't my style they were way too girlie and looked like the exposed too much skin which made me crinkle my nose and to make it worst there were dresses I haven't wore a dress since my first day on kindergarten ! After I look at the clothes there was a medium sized pink and blue with glitter and stars all over it box . I pull it out GREAT GOD! It way heavier then it look I had to debate with myself weather or not to open it or leave it alone but my curiosity got the best of me so I did what I had to do. I slowly moved my hands closer and closer hesitating to open it but I finally opened it and what laid inside was makeup . And here I thought it was some kind of deathly weapon oh lord me and my stupid brain. I laughed to myself , I got the briefcase i was given and opened it and took out the folder . I started reading Through the intrusions until something caught my eye that the intrusions said : ' YOU NEED TO HIDE YOUR IDENTITY AND NOT FALL FOR ANY OF THEM THIS IS ONLY RESEARCH TO SEE IF THE RUMOR ABOUT LOUIS, HARRY, ZAYN, AND LIAM ARE CHEATING ON THEIR GIRLFRIENDS IS TRUE OR NOT' . i slapped my forehead As if those boys are as kind enough not to piss me off that be very pleasing . i guess if i don't want to get fired i might as well take the job . all this is giving me a headache . i stood up and blush my knee with my hands and headed to my bathroom that was a nice tone light blue color nothing too fancy or too dull its just right . i turned on the sink and grab my batman toothbrush with toothpaste and brushed my teeth then headed out. tomorrow i have a big day I'm force to go to a party with a different persona . i took a deep breath out of frustration right now I'm Alison the nobody tomorrow I'm Savanna Marie Woods who the complete opposite of Alison and in a way i kind of liked that . I smiled and walked into my room and threw myself into my bed and cuddle my pikachu plush and fell fast asleep awaiting for tomorrow ( :!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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