A pleasant encounter

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By sunrise the rain stopped, everything damp and clean in return. My legs disappeared beneath the blankets, my arms tangled in my brown hair. My taste buds were dry, my mouth craving water. I looked around my room thankful that everything was in the same exact spot before I fell into slumber. I wrestled my feet out of the covers and hung them over the side of the old, creaky bed. My eyes darted outside my window as a figure walked up my sidewalk. My heart began to race, my palms becoming sweaty. What did this person want? Were they here for something specific, or did they want me? Maybe they thought the house was vacant and were planning the perfect plan to rob it tonight. A billion more scenarios ran through my mind as the stranger knocked on the door. My body now trembling, I picked up the old baseball bat sitting in the dusty corner of my room and set off for the front door. I had no plan on opening the door, and neither did my hands as they stayed stitched to my sides.

The man knocked several more times before walking away. I cautiously looked out my front window, the man now entering a truck. What if he is glad no one answered, that it means that he was right, no one was home. As quickly as I could I ran to my bedroom and threw on the closest clothes possible. A teal colored t shirt and another pair of black cut off shorts. I tied my hair up into a tight pony tail, checked the time and left. I went to one other place I feel safe besides my own home, the bakery. The only person I feel slightly comfortable around, Mrs. Jennings. Mrs. Jennings is an old lady, around the age of seventy four. She understands everything I go through, she understands my fears, my personality, and why I don't talk a lot. She is the only person I trust.

The familiar ding of the bells chimed as I stepped into the vacant shop. The sweet smell of freshly baked bread filled my nostrils, the aroma haunting. I walked over to the counter and picked out a freshly made muffin, Apple Cinnamon, my favorite. When Mrs. Jennings saw me her crinkly old face light up with joy.

"I haven't seen you in ages, love. Where have you been, I was starting to become worried." I practically call this woman my guardian, whenever I am scared, or need someone to talk to she is the first person I go to. I stayed quiet and shrugged my shoulders. Mrs. Jennings took my hands in hers and smiled, her slightly crooked teeth showing. "Remember darling, if you need anything, I am just a sentence away."I nodded my head, picked up the muffin and left the shop, my feet heading a different direction then my house. They were heading for the woods.

My thoughts were filled with scenes from yesterday's experiences, but all I cared about was my spot in the tree, the view it had over the sparkly pools filled with water. I stood outside the woods, looking into the depths of the forest. One more step and I was swallowed by the trees. The lightly packed dirt below my feet silently crunched as my journey to my spot continued. The feeling of being watched was once again brought upon me, ignoring the fact that my hands were becoming sweaty, I continued on. I don't know why, but there is a desperate feeling of closure in the woods. Like nothing bad could happen to you, the tree top's themselves your protectors. The odd looking trees were in my view, the sound of water running too familiar. I looked around, studying what every feature looks like when my back is turned.

The climb up the tree was rough, my body still recovering from the fall I had yesterday. The view was once again incredible. The feeling of being watched was beginning to come frightening. Something was not right in the woods, something was out of place. With my body starting to tremble and my mouth becoming dry the tree's leaves began to ramble, causing various attention to my spot. Anyone in the woods could definitely hear my heart beat. I tried to calm self down, my body beginning to shut down with every thought that an intruder was here, watching me. A fragile branch below me started to crack, my body's weight becoming too much for it to handle. With the change of weight in my body the branch gave out, once again being sent to the ground. With surprise the moment of hard landing never came, instead a soft almost human like cushion was under me. My eyes sealed shut, the hushed voice of a man proved that it was a human that caught me and that I wasn't alone in the woods.

"You're okay, I got you. I won't let you fall." The unknown voice causing more panic to rise in me. Why was he here? Who is he? Questions I may never have the answers to unless I open my eyes and have a conversation with the man. "Hey, are you okay?" His voice was calming, almost alluring. The thought of opening my eyes shot into my mind but I brushed it off. His arms around me were strong, the grasp he had on me felt more protective than anything else.

My feet were connected to the ground, his arms still wrapped around me. "Can you walk?" Silent laughter escaped his mouth, "Did I hurt you? Is that why you aren't talking?" His sweetness could be heard in the tone of his voice. I found something strange about myself, normally in a situation like this I would have ran away right when I was set on the ground, or I would be in shock too much to move. Something about this unknown boy makes me want to stay close to him, like he could protect me. I could feel his eyes burrowing into mine, silence set between us. With all the courage I had inside of me, I opened my eyes.

The boy was gorgeous, his brown eyes looking deep within my brown ones, a smile spread across his face. I swallowed a big lump in my throat, my heart beat way past normal. I did the one thing I know how to do best. I ran.

The weak wind pushed against my face as I dashed through the woods, the sound of running behind me. Shortness of breath caught up with me as the feeling of this boy chasing me sunk in, within another minute I was forced to stop. The boy gently grabbed my hand, concern written all over his face. "You don't have to be afraid of me, I can promise you I will not hurt you. Please, if you are scared, let me help you. I could walk you home to make sure you are alright." My breath still racing with my heart beat, I chose to walk with the boy.

"My name is Liam, by the way. What's yours?" The kind exchange normal for most was a huge step for me. I never told anyone else my name, unless I trusted you, but I only trust two people. I kicked a pebble as I walked through the woods, the exit clear ahead. As I looked up a butterfly flew right before the two of us, my favorite creature in the whole world. Its wings soared high beyond the trees, I wish I could fly. A sudden burst of courage was uplifted inside me.

"I'm Brooke." The voice eerie to myself, Liam stopped. I turned around and looked at the boy, a smile plastered on his face. I raised an eyebrow, a universal way to ask what someone is doing without actually doing so.

"You actually talked to me, I didn't think you knew how to at first. It's nice to meet you, Brooke." A slight smile filled my face, Liam walking once again. The walk was silent, Liam humming every so often, both of us taking in the sound of each other's footsteps. I stopped Liam at my road's sign, I continued walking, Liam stayed. I turned around halfway home, he was still standing there, I waved my arm signaling it was okay for him to leave. "I just wanted to make sure you got home safe. Goodbye Brooke."

I opened the front door and closed it, my back sliding down against it until my bum was on the floor. The first encounter I have had with a person besides Mrs. Jennings went well. I was filled with a huge amount of energy, I chose to do something I haven't done in a long time. I painted. The paint brush color was a deep burgundy color, my living room wall a perfect spot to start my masterpiece. While painting I quietly hummed a tune, I then realized it was the tune Liam was humming.

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