It's All About Perspective

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The past two weeks have been incredible. Being friends with Liam has made me nothing but a stronger person, he really is a good guy. The two of us have become close over the last fourteen days, I can honestly say that I trust him and he trusts me. I started off my day with a cup of steamy hot chocolate, I know it sounds weird, hot chocolate in the middle of spring but it is my ultimate favorite drink. The teal mug was gently set down on the wood coffee table, my brown eyes searching around the room for some sort of change but the only thing that caught their attention was the halfway finished painting on the wall. The object on the wall was still a mystery even to me, the shades of purple and blue scattered around the wall in no pattern made it difficult for anyone to have any idea what it was suppose to be.

A quick knock on the door disrupted my thoughts, two weeks ago this action would have made my heart rate go through the roof but I know now the only person to come over would be Liam. I slight smile was brought upon my lips as I opened the door revealing Liam. His eyes lit up as they met mine our bodies connected in a friendly hug only to be separated in a matter of seconds. A pointless conversation was discussed between the two of us as I went into the kitchen to get Liam his own hot chocolate. When I walked back into the living room I came upon Liam sitting upside down on the couch, his head where the feet are suppose to go, his back against the padded couch. I set the mug down next to mine and decided to join the weirdo on the couch. I then mirrored Liam and put myself in the same awkward position.

"So have you figured out what it is supposed to be yet?" Liam said breaking the silence, His question obviously about the painting on the wall. When I didn't answer he looked at me, his eyes studying my face as I did the same to the painting. I deeply sighed.

"No, I have absolutely no idea. What do you think it is? I mean it could honestly be anything right?" I breathed my hands covering my face. Liam chuckled beside me and looked back at the wall.

"From this position it looks like a tree or maybe even a lake." Liam confessed.

This time it was me who laughed, "Liam, a tree and a lake are two very different things. How do you even see that in a blob?"

"It's all about perspective, Brooke. You just have to look at it from different angles and eventually you will figure it out." Liam said. Perspective, where did that come from? Usually it was me who came up with the deep conversations and here Liam is talking about something an English teacher would go crazy about. How did he see a tree or for that matter a lake? The only thing I can see is a mixture of the colors blue and purple in a universal shape I call a blob. I haven't worked on that piece for days now; it has almost been a week. Just like a writer gets writers block I get inspiration block. I find myself holding off all possibilities of painting.

"You're doing it again." I looked over to Liam who was drinking the creamy substance hidden in the mug. "You're zoning out." He smirked and set the drink back down. "Get up and get ready we are going somewhere."

"Where are we going?" I said curiosity escaping with the sound of my voice.

"You will see, now hurry up!" I quickly got off the couch and trotted to my room. I stripped down and put on a fresh set of clothes. I then tamed the monster like figure that nested on top of my head, putting it into a simple side braid. When I got out of the room Liam was nowhere to be found. After calling out his name a few times I found myself becoming worried. "Liam this isn't funny. You know I hate it when you do this." A few moments of silence passed. "Uergh, come on Liam." I walked cautiously to the front door, the wood floor creaking with every step.

"Boo!" I shrieked even though I knew it was coming. Liam was in a fit of giggles, I made a mental note in my head of another place to look for Liam; the front closest. "I got you didn't it?" I was not amused. "Ah, lighten up Brooke it was funny." I stuck my tongue out at him and he poked my shoulder, a slight smile forming on my lips.

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