Your strings might trip you.

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After saving your cave game at the yellow box, the two of you pushed on deeper into the cave, making sure that nothing was following you. The Batter took your hand to lead you and make sure he wouldn't lose his Puppeteer, though you already knew the mines like the back of your palm.

After playing the game over and over, you knew the routes to take, where the main ghosts would pop out, what kind of adversaries you would encounter and where-- the works. The treasure chests held Abaddon's Meat occasionally, which was especially helpful when you hadn't restocked on luck and fortune tickets. Belial's meat was better if two or more of the team was poisoned, or had some negative effect on them. Golden Flesh was a different story though. Your CP was sky high already, so Golden Flesh would be saved for a later time.

The Batter made you scale the ladder first to ensure you didn't get jumped by any spectres.

After the two of you finished defeating the barn and you fangirled over seeing Dedan (and his hot as hell six pack) for the first time, the post office was your next stop. Going through the entrances, you finally found the frog merchant and squealed like a little girl.

"ZACHARIIIIEEEE!!!" You jumped and fizzed with excitement, making the Batter sigh.

Zacharie smiled and raised an eyebrow, lowering his mask to expose two eyes which were pitch black, a white dot in the center and chuckled, "My dear, has the programmer tweaked the coding or... are you a glitch?"

The Batter twitched and slammed his foot forward, picking Zacharie up by his collar, "Don't you ever call her that."

Zacharie held up a finger and pointed towards his backpack which was bursting at the seams with his wares. "I do not wish to be involved in such violence, but would you mind spending your credits, dear (Y/N)?"

You looked up at him from your daydream and put your hand on his chest, staring him dead in the eyes.

"I sure as hell do not."

The Batter sneered and threw his bat down, pulling your hand off of Zacharie and tapping his foot impatiently.

You jumped at the sound before giving Batter a look.

"We'll take a new bat and...maybe 5 pieces of Abaddon and Belial so this glowing onion ring survives the night— oh throw in 11 Luck tickets too. God knows we need that."

Zacharie tilted his head at you, laying all your items out on the floor in front of your feet.

"What is God?" He smiled.

"So this is why you have so many ghosties, shit we need to exorcise the fuck out of this place~" You trailed off, already walking towards the elevator. The Batter paid and lugged the meat into inventory, before following behind you.


You heard enraged yelling from behind the elevator doors, lo and behold, it was that iron cow, Dedan.


The Batter came forward just as the last of the spectres had been purified, and Dedan turned his fiery gaze to you.

"Fuck off, bitch and her puppet." He looked at Batter and his eyes widened.

"YOU'RE THE ONE CAUSING ALL THE TROUBLE, YOU SPECTRE. COME HERE AND FACE ME OR—" He looked at you and pointed. "Or she goes,"

You rolled your eyes and shifted your weight, prompting the Batter to continue speaking.

"I am no spectre, but it seems to me that I have finally found the king." Batter held up his bat. "And I am here to purify you."

"HA! IDIOT, I DO NOT CONTROL THE SPECTRES. ALSO, PURIFY MY ASS BECAUSE I'M OUT, YOU FUCKING IMBECILE-" He kept ranting on and on as he walked to the elevator, going down as you could still hear him complaining.

You walked back over to Batter and shrugged. "Yikes, haven't seen him that grumpy since,"

The Batter raised an eyebrow and you laughed. "It's funny because I left the sentence hanging, indicating that he is never not grumpy!" You giggled with joy, walking back into the elevator.

The Batter rolled his eyes at you and gestured for Alpha to hurry before you zoomed back to ground floor where you could catch the next train to Alma.

Nuit blanche [A Batter x Puppeteer Story]Where stories live. Discover now