Triangle man

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Alma was an easy task, like it always was. You didn't have to even think twice about answering the Elsen's questions, and when he became burnt, you weren't phased. Batter had the levels and the add ons to take on the beast, but you couldn't help feeling sorry for them.

You now stood in Dedan's office, relaxing against a wall with Batter listening to your every control. Dedan wasn't a nice man, and this was no exception.

"YOU AGAIN?!" He boomed, slamming his fists on the table.

"We've come to purify you, Dedan." Batter held his bat in his hand, lazily floating above the ground.

"Stupid motherfuckers. FINE. LET'S GET THIS OVER AND DONE WITH."

The usual text box appeared running from the left to right, floating above your heads. In your mind you could see a battle menu, and you could strategize.

You set the Batter on auto and watched the battle eagerly, only stepping in to provide luck tickets and curing negative effects. The Batter seemed to know which competences to use and when, so the battle was easy. Dedan was at your feet in no time.

What was OFF about it was that he surrendered willingly. He grunted and just stopped attacking, so you told the Batter to stop too.

"Looks like you fucking got me," He sneered, adjusting his coat.

"This zone will never be pure until I see you die." The Batter replied.

"Fine fine. I know you want my head on a silver platter, you bastard. But I'd like to say something first."

You raised an eyebrow and sighed under your breath. You were seated in the corner of the room leaned against the wall, out of the way. Batter looked at you and you urged him on.

"Which is?"

Before you knew it, Dedan had left his spot in a flash and plunged his whole fist into your gut and it went through your body and out your back, making you freeze in your spot as you could feel a crushing feeling in your heart and stomach.

"HAHAHAHAHA FUCKING LOSER!" Dedan's voice echoes through your ringing ears.

The last thing you saw was an enraged Batter shoving his bat down Dedan's throat, and Dedan collapsing to the floor.


Your eyes cracked open at the sudden fizzing energy in your body. The pain kicked in and your gut was on fire once again, but this time it only lasted for a few seconds before it was completely fine.

Your hand graced the spot and realized there was nothing there, so you pushed back the thought of having a hand go right through you to the back of your mind.

"B...batter?" You called out in a whisper. Some scuffles were heard on the floor and he took your hands in his, still bruised.

Two pairs of puffy, red eyes met yours which meant... he actually cried for you?

"(Y/N)," Even his voice was cracking through the monotone. "I-I'm sorry for this."

The emotion in his voice made your heart flutter. You adjusted yourself in the nest of books you were laid in, the dim light making it hard to see where you were.

"F..for what? T-th-" You turned to your side and lurched out a clot of blood.

The Batter rubbed your back and wiped your mouth with his thumb. Slipping out a life ticket, he tore it and the energy went through your body once more. It fizzed especially in your gut area but was less painful than before, pushing back the feeling to puke farther down into nothing.

"Thank god we got shitloads of those." You coughed, trying to get back up.

"We aren't moving." He stated.

"...And why is that?"

"You're injured."

You rolled your eyes and sighed. "You practically brought me back to life."

"I'm afraid the next guardian will do the same, then we won't have any life tickets to 'practically bring you back to life'."

"Japhet? Nah, he's cool. Just help me up, okay?" You then struggled once more to get up, but this time Batter pulled you up with hesitation.

You looked up at him and smiled. His face twitched a little but his hands brought you close, your noses barely touching. You were blushing furiously and didn't know whether to just go for it or wait for initiation from the other side until a pair of lips met yours gently. Blush spread like wildfire on your face, because this is the character you had read dirty fanfiction about. This is the one you'd been daydreaming about meeting one day and here you were kissing him.

He left your lips nonchalantly and stared blankly at how much you began to shake.

Seeing how wobbly you were on your own two feet, The Batter put down his bat and pulled you up on his shoulders making you squeal with joy. Secretly, you loved being carried.

((A/N: cmon guys I know you love being carried but you JUST LIKE SQUIRMING -U-))

The two of you made your way to the red box which wasn't far from where you were. You groaned when you knew the feeling of zone transportation would be back again, but the Batter held your hand as he touched the box.

"Fine," You grumbled. "Onward my trusty steed!"

"Yes, my princess." Batter wasn't really good at all this roleplay and stuff (he sounded like the Judge sometimes. Who said that?).

At least you knew what he felt.

Or didn't?

Ugh, confusion.

((when you're having a block but you're turned on by some fanart))

Nuit blanche [A Batter x Puppeteer Story]Where stories live. Discover now