Chapter 2

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When I woke up, Jody was giving me soft kisses on my neck. He had his arms wrapped around me, and he was rubbing my belly. His head was buried in the crook of my neck. I couldn't help but smile. I loved my life. I love my children, I loved being able to breath and have life. But most importantly I'm happy to be able to spend my life with the man of my dreams. "Jody," I rolled over so that we were face to face. He smiled at me showing me a perfect set of white teeth. I smiled back, and mouthed the words "I love you Jody," he winked his eyes and mouthed the words " I love you Yvette,"

We both got up and made up our bed, then we got into the shower together. After I took care of my hygiene I went to go vacuum our room, while Jody went to go make breakfast. I cleaned up the bathroom, and then I went to go wake the kids.

"Mommy! ," Saharria yelled the minute I walked into the girls room. I couldn't help but smile. She looked just like Jody. She had a few features of Peanut, but just by looking at her, you knew Jody was her daddy.

"Hey baby, you ready to get cleaned up for breakfast?" I asked as I began to make up her bed.

"Yes! I ready to eat eat," she said as she put on her house shoes. She grabbed her toothbrush and ran across the hall to the bathroom. I watched her as she stepped on the step stool and turned on the water. I helped her put toothpaste on her tooth brush and she began to brush her teeth.

I went to Jo Jo's room and he was already up playing with his action figures. "Hey Jo Jo," I said as I went to go make up his bed.

"Hi mommy!"

"Go brush your teeth so you can get ready for breakfast okay,"

"Okay mom,"

I finished making up his bed and put away his toys. I went back to the bath room and Sharria was now washing her face the way I taught her. I went to the lining closet and grabbed two towels. I turned on the water and began to run their bath water.

"Sharria and Jo Jo, go get your underwear and something to wear around the house," I said as I added bubbles to their bath water.

When they came back, Jo Jo had picked out a pair of basket ball shorts and a Spider-Man t-shirt while baby girl had a frozen t- shirt and some pink basket ball shorts. I put them both in the tub and began to wash their bodies. I let them play with their bath toys, while I washed Sharria's hair. She had thick hair that got super curly whenever you washed it.

After that I dried them off and put baby girls hair into a big curly ponytail on top of her head. They ran down stairs to be with their daddy, while I went to go get Asia up.

"Hey momma's girl," I said as I picked her up out of her crib. She was smiling and making baby noises at me.

I took her to the bathroom and got her all cleaned up. Then I went to the kitchen and got her breakfast situated. I was very impressed with Jo Jo. He had everything laid out for me and the kids. He had pancakes, eggs, sausage, and fresh fruit.

"Look whose being the chief today," I said as i began to feed baby girl. Jo Jo laughed and fixed the kids plate.

"Gurl you know yo man be throwing down. I don't just be throwing down in the bed baby," he said with a cocky attitude.

"Boy please don't get smacked Jody," I said as I cut my pancakes.

"See Yvette, why you always being violent baby, you need some act right?" He asked as he sipped his OJ.

I gave him an evil glare. "Girl you better watch who you giving that look too."

"Anyways, what you and P doing today Jody,"

" Shit chillin, Imma be in the basement working on my music,"

"Jody don't be smoking and drinking in my house,"

"Yvette, I'm a grown ass man. This my house, fuck you thought, I do what I want," he said as he waved me off.

"Jody, I swear to God I'm gone-"

"Man Yvette shut up you ain't gone do shit but suck this dick when you get home stop tripping,"

"You know what I'll cut yo shit off right now nicca don't try me,"

"Do it man,"

"Keep playing Jody yo ass gone be on the fucking coach with yo disrespectful ass, learn some fucking respect," I said as I took a bite of my sausage.

I looked around at the table and couldn't help but smile at my beautiful family. I had three pretty kids, and one crazy sexy ass husband. Sometimes I swear y'all I wanna kill his black ass, but I love him and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.

"Why you smile mommy?" Sharria asked as she stuffed a spoon full of eggs in her mouth.

"Because I love you, Jo- Jo and Asia," I said as I sipped my orange juice.

"Wha bout dada," she said with an eyebrow raised. This little girl has definitely been around me way too long. She doing my facial expressions, hand gestures and everything else.

"Yeah what about dada," Jody said as he wiped his mouth of syrup.

"Ya daddy can kiss my black ass," I mumbled.

"Fuck you say?" Jody asked.

"I said your daddy know I love his black ass," I said with a giggle. Jo Jo laughed as well as Sharria.

"You think yah' momma funny Jo Jo I thought you was on my side?" Jody asked.

"No daddy you know I gotta be on mommy side she crazy," Jo Jo replied. I couldn't help but laugh at my son.

"You damn right baby,"

"Anyways, you work today babe?" Jody asked .

"Nope, but I'm taking my babies shopping, who wanna go to the mall?" I asked.

"Mommy you know we wanna go," Sharria said.

"Okay, hurry up and eat," I said.

"Shit I'm coming too," Jody replied.

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