Chapter 1: New House

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That day was warm... correction, it was boiling. The sun was high in the sky and burning its brightest when my family and I drove up the steep driveway of our new house. I stuck my head out the window and breathed in the small wind that was blowing around.

I put my hand above my eyes to block the sun and looked at the house that we were going to be moving into.

It wasn't much to look at because it was plain. An ordinary house with a front door, a porch and two floors, but it still felt strange to me. It was painted a tan color with little flecks of blue.

My dad stopped the car and turned around. "Well, this is it." He gave me and my sister, Ella, a thumbs up before he opened his car door and walked to the trunk of the car. My sister was still staring at the house.

"Are you sure we have to live in there? Our last house was an improvement." I sighed and shook my head.

"Whatever Ella." I got out of the car and stretched my legs. I groaned as my knees cracked. "Ow." I muttered. We have been driving for the past 6 hours and my dad wouldn't let us go to many stops.

Ella finally got out of the car and we went to help our dad get the stuff out of the trunk.

"Lydia, would you get that bag from the back please?" My dad asked me as he struggled to carry four boxes at once.

"Okay Dad." I said as I reach into the back of the trunk and pulled a giant red bag out from the back. I dragged that and a plastic bag full of candy to the front door. I tried the handle and found it ice cold.

Confused about why it was so cold in such hot weather, I frowned and pushed on the door. It wouldn't open. "Hey, Dad, did you lock the door?" His head popped out of the trunk. "Huh Lydia? Oh, no, It should be unlocked."

He shouts from back inside the trunk. I jiggled the handle a couple more times and tried kicking the door open like in those TV shows.

Finally, I push my shoulder against the door really hard but before my shoulder hit the door the door opened making me fall to the ground.

Ella laughed as she walked over my body then my dad came over and helped me up. "I wonder what happened..." He said mostly to himself. Then he shrugged and walked over to Ella. The house was strangely huge!

A long corridor with a bunch of doors on each side and a staircase at the end of the hall.

"Whoa." I said and Ella agreed with me. This was not what we were expecting. I started wandering down the hall, looking into every room.

A bathroom with snowflakes, a kitchen with a unicorns lined up in rows, a living room with couches and a fireplace, a den with a giant big screen TV, a dining room with fancy chairs, a guest bedroom with a bed and a desk, and a walk in closet that was humongous.

Ella ran upstairs and I followed. When we got up there Ella gasped and I smirked and nudged her.

"Still think our old house was better than this?" She shook her head too stunned to speak. And I couldn't blame her.

The first floor was amazing but the second floor was almost to amazing to believe. A bunch of room. Wide halls with red carpets. Chandeliers that were lined with crystals. Desks with flowers next to each room. I couldn't believe it.

My sister ran to the first room and squealed when she saw the inside. "This is mine!" I looked inside and saw it was huge and had a bed with flower like curtains over it and drapes made of velvet and a desk that was painted gold with blue swirls on the side.

I walked back out and looked down the hall. Even though there were so many rooms, there was one room that just seemed to call to me. It was all the way in the back of the hall. Crammed next to two other rooms like it was not suppose to be there.

It was painted dark brown but the paint was peeling and showed old, green coloring. Gold swirls were painted on the sides. The door was skinny and the doorknob was curved and rusty. Little white dots like snowflakes dotted the edges and the frame and the door

In the back of my mind there was a thought that I should pick this room.

I shook my head and backed away from the door. I wouldn't pick that room. I loved watching horror movies and the room was like from one of those movies I love.

Something was wrong about that room. I could feel it.

I walked backward down the hall, keeping an eye on the door, expecting something to pop out from in it but nothing happened.

Two doors down I picked another room. This one was similar to Ella's room but it seemed boring and all I could think about was that one room. I wondered what was in it... what was hiding in there, calling to me.


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