Chapter 6 Arrows, Herbs, and Bright Port

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Garroth's POV

The last thing I remember before blacking out is Zane smirking at me.


"Garroth you need to go get Lord Aphmau. O'khasis is attacking" a guard, with light brown hair and pale blue eyes, told me.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked

"Uh... It's me Laurence. I'm kinda your best friend."

Okay I am so confused. I don't even know this guy and he's calling me his best friend. And since when was Aphmau a lord?

"Um... I don't even know you. How can you be my best friend?"

"Seriously, we've been through I don't even know and you don't know me?"

I don't know who or what this guy is talking about.

*End of Dream*

I woke up in Kiki's barn not realizing that the arrow was still in my chest.

"Garroth lie still, I need to remove the arrow" Kiki's voice said calmly.

Kiki came over and grasped the arrow.

"Now this is going to-"

"Kiki, is he okay?"

Aphmau's POV

I paced back and forth outside Kiki's barn. He had been out for about a week. I had been fixing up the village during that time. I also met everyone in the village. They were really nice, well most of them were at least. Logan is really rude. Also every time I talk to people they say "Lord Aphmau" and every time I say that it's just Aphmau. I looked up to see Kiki grab the arrow in Garroth's chest.

"Kiki is he okay?" I ask

"Yes Lord Aphmau, he is okay. If you want you can speak with real quick. I do need to get the arrow out soon though. So if you like you can talk"

I opened the gate and ran to Garroth. He seemed in a lot of pain though which bothered me.

"Kiki" I asked "can you remove the arrow first?"

"Yes but you will need to get a special herb from Bright Port. It will slow down the bleeding."

Great I have to show my face somewhere other than here. Just my luck

"Okay I'll be back soon"

"Good luck"

I ran to the docks (A/N During the time Garroth was unconscious she explored and expanded the village a little bit) to find Dante and Laurence trying to build a boat.

"You guys need held?" I laughed

Laurence spun around wide eyed.

"Yah maybe a bit" Dante said

"Here hand me the supplies"

Garroth's POV

Why did Kiki call Aphmau a lord?

Aphmau came into the barn. She ran to me and looked sad. I think I knew why, right now I was in a world of pain because of this stupid arrow. Ugh I hate the High Priest of O'khasis.

*Time Skip to after Aphmau left*

After Aphmau left Kiki came over to me. I was still curious about why she called Aphmau a lord.

"Hey Kiki, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Why did you call Aphmau a lord?"

"Um... Well that is harder to explain than to show what she has done. You would have to see for yourself."

That didn't answer my question.

I won't dwell on it now, I have more important things to worry about.

Aphmau's POV

I finished the boat and told Dante and Laurence that I needed to go to Bright Port for a herb that Kiki requested. Dante offered to go but I kindly declined.

"I promised Kiki I would get it" I said anxious to go.

I don't know why but I care so much for these people even though I barely know them.

Kiki's POV

I'm kinda glad Aphmau was going to get the herb. I don't trust myself leaving an injured or dying man alone. Then out of the blue Garroth asked me the most difficult question ever.

"Why did you call Aphmau a lord?"

I didn't know how to explain it. He would have to see for himself. I tried to explain the best I could but he still seemed confused.

Way to go Kiki, you made him even more confused.

Stupid thoughts

Anyway I called Zoey over to try and help me. She came over extremely fast which surprised me. She was really helpful until the lack of sleep got to her. Yah she fell asleep. I'm not one to judge because it happened to me multiple times but this was bad.

Aphmau's POV

(A/N I'm being lazy because I don't want to write about what happens in Bright Port) I quickly sailed to Bright Port and back. When I arrived at  Kiki's barn however I saw a bit of chaos. There were hamsters everywhere. I ran the herb to Kiki and helped get all the hamsters in a pen.

"What happened while I was gone?" I asked

"Zoey fell asleep and somehow accidentally opened the pen"

Yikes! Must have been lack of sleep. I hate when that happens.

I gave Kiki the herb and left her to do her work.

A/N Hey guys! This is by far the longest chapter I have done. My hands hurt now. Yah so nothing else really.

Peace and Love,

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