Chapter 8 Alexis's Curse

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Molly's POV (I made a change by starting with Molly)

I hurried to little Alexis's room and saw to my horror Alexis being consumed by some darkness thing.

"Dale! Brian!" I yelled

"Honey what's wrong!?!" Dale ran into the room followed by Brian

"It's Alexis, I don't know what happened" I sobbed

I needed someone to talk to, to help me. Maybe Lord Aphmau? I ran outside crying, hoping for the best. I ran to Kiki's barn, because that was the last place she was I think. I got there not seeing her nor Garroth. That worried me. I ran around to to try and find her and Garroth. I reached the docks. What I saw was strange in my opinion. Garroth was kissing Aphmau. I didn't want to break the moment but something wrong was going on. The two turned to me.

"Molly what's wrong?" Garroth asked

"It Alexis, something happened"

"Take us to her" Lord Aphmau said

We ran to my house and I showed the where Alexis should be.

Aphmau's POV

Molly brought Garroth and myself to her house. She showed us where Alexis was. I had a sneaking suspicion that Zane had something to do with this.

"I'll be right back. I need to check on something"

I ran to the plaza and to my horror saw Alexis on some kind of alter. Zane stood behind her with a potion in his hand.

"Not one step further Lord Aphmau" he said. "I'm done playing these petty mind games. You're going to wish you never questioned me. (A/N Just go with it) Now witness the true power of the Shadow Realm!"

He threw the potion on Alexis. Then there was a flash of light. When the light dimmed before me was Alexis only not the little girl that was on the alter, she was a shadow knight. Alexis ran and started attacking me. I tried to defend myself the best I could without trying to harm Alexis. Molly then came into the plaza.

"H-Have you seen" Molly asked

Alexis took off the helmet.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a couple days. I've been having writers block. Well that is about it.

Peace and Love,

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