And It Slowly Came Cracking Down..

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Zierra's P.O.V.

I never knew what it felt like to die. Being put into the pillowy white casket, sun rays shining on the ghostly pale face in a suit and tie. Witnessing the breathless figure before me with its eyes closed and its hands intertwined on its abdomen. The anticipation of touching; knowing what it feels like
to be in that position.

I reer closer to the lifeless figure adjacent to me. My hand wavers over the corpses face and I snap my hand back when I feel air. I move my body slightly to the left and see the corpses eyes open. I back away immediately and my leg hits the bench, forcing me to sit on it. My heart beats at a rapid pace with my eyes widening by the second. To keep balance my palms are planted on the bench, supporting most of my weight. I watch intently as the corpse suddenly rises slowly and turns his head slowly to me. If it is possible, my eyes are officially the size of saucers. My chest tightens slowly and I start breathing quicker.

It twists its head to the side and smiles from ear to ear. "Doll face, aren't you happy to see me?" It smiles wickedly.

I try to say something but my voice box is empty, out of words that can process what to say to him.

"Cat got your tongue, wouldn't be the first time," he laughs evilly.

I feel my eyes sting. But one thing I won't do is cry in front of him.

I turn away, so I'm not looking at him. Just go away...

"I can't believe I ever wanted you," I hear him sneer. "After I'm done with you, no one will ever want you," I turn to face the casket and he wasn't there. I widen my eyes in response and when I feel air on my neck, that's when I knew I wasn't alone. I turn my head slowly to see him smirking down at me. "Surprise, surprise, I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere," my heart stops as he says this. My eyes officially can't close from the constant fear in my heart. "Wait and see what happens next," he pulls my hair slowly down, making my head come into contact with the head of the bench. I scream in pain. Don't cry... Don't cry...

Suddenly he started making this noise "Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep," he lets go of my hair immediately. I squint my eyes and realize what the noise is.

I hit my alarm clock. My covers ruffling as I move my body and stretch. I sit up on my wooden headboard. I blink and rub my eyes with my fists. It was just a dream? Thank goodness. I touch my heart and it slows down its pace at the realization.

My heart jumps when my bedroom door slams open, hitting my white painted wall. "Wake up, idiot!"

Morning to you too. Yep, that was my aunt. And yes, she is always like this. Well towards me, especially. Ever since I got adopted by her she cared about the money and just that. She wasn't always like this, or maybe she fooled me years ago when I actually had my parents. The first day I came in here is the last day that I remember loving my aunt. She is just so... not fun and loving like she used to be.

I get out of bed and get the clothes I'm wearing for school today and head to the bathroom. I see my cousin coming towards me and she bumps into me. "Zierra! Why would you push me!" She yells on purpose.

"Zierra what are you doing to Danielle again!?" My aunt yells from downstairs.

Danielle smirks evilly. "I asked her politely if I can go ahead of her to use the bathroom because of dance practice!" Danielle yells back.

"Zierra, come down here! You are so inconsiderate and for that, do your business in the kitchen sink!" She yells again.

"Why can't I use the bottom stairs bathroom?" I try to keep calm.

"You heard what I said!" She ordered.

I sighed and took one last glare at Danielle smirking and went down the stairs and did as told. I don't even know why I try anymore...

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