Returning to The Leaf

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Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Naruto. Sorry for the wait but school has been a bitch. Anyway on with the story.


After killing Gato and his men, I drained all the money in his bank and returned it to the people of Wave and saved the captive women they would have sold. I needed to relax from all the 'excitement'. I created a bed from my shadow and went to relax. Haku sat on the bed next to me.


"I'm here to protect my master."

"Stop calling me that."

"I cannot do that master."

"...As your master I command you to stop calling me master."

"I can't follow that master, forgive me."

"Your not gonna stop are you?"

"Nope!" she cheered.

Hinata was glaring at Haku. Haku only gave her the finger.

"Haku." She turned to me.

"Yes master?"

"Tell the girls we're leaving."

"Yes master."



I went inside and all the Hyuga glared at me.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" she yelled.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you want? Why are you around Roxas calling him master?!"

"He defeated Zabuza so I am his now."

"I bet your using that as an excuse." she growled.

"So you like him?" I smirked.

"W-What are you talking abo-"

"If you didn't there wouldn't be a problem."

"S-Shut up!" I walked out the door then turned around.

"Oh and I am using the master thing as an excuse. Tell the girls we're leaving." I left the room leaving a furious Hyuga.



We said good by to my family and set off back to the Leaf. I sensed some tension in the air caused by Hinata.

"What's you're problem Hinata."


"You are obviously angry about something."


"She wants you all to herself." Haku spoke up.

"Shut up!" Hinata yelled. "How do you even know she is on our side! Zabuza's body wasn't there after the fight. He could have escaped and she helped him!"

"She did not."

"How do you know?!"

"Are you questioning me Genin." I growled.

"N-No sir..."

"Hold my hand." Haku latched on sticking out her tongue at Hinata. "All of you." They held my hand and I teleported to Ichirakus'.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Ayame.

"Salt ramen." I stated.


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