Prologue - December 24th

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A pair of eyes watched on as the "city" that once held her prison crumbled to colorless ashes.

Those twilight-colored irises watched on as unforgiving flames lit up the darkness of night like blood on a black canvas.

They watched on as screams belonging to fearful faces melted away as their owners did.

Those eyes belonged to a lone shadow who stood on the cliff overlooking the scarlet circus of fire. Her.

Ice cold were those eyes despite the warmness of the flames reflected in them. Calmly posed was the figure compared to the panicked movements of people below.

You could also hear the evident thump, thump, thump as the military boots stomped through the woods and the snow behind the dark profile.

Thump, thump, THUMP

"Stop right there, Subject AF09, you are being surrounded! Surrender and turn around slowly! Any sign of tricks, we'll attack! So give up all your schemes because you have nowhere else to run!"

Click, click, click

Loaded guns were pointed at her as she slowly tilted her head to look at them. Then they watched with caution as she turned her back on the "city" below and faced them. Faced them with a sly smile on her face. A smile they were all too familiar with. A smile of victory.

"Your malicious plan failed! There is no place for you to run! This is the end for you!" they shouted in response to the amused look in her eyes. Laughable uncertainty wavered in their voices. 

The soldiers flinched out of surprise as she raised up her arms, but lowered their weapons nonetheless at her signal of surrender. With a small smile playing at her mouth, she snapped her fingers playfully. Immediately, all the guns burst into tiny pieces of ash that drift up with the heat from the fire.

Then she laughed with a laugh echoed throughout the empty woods and reigned over the crackling flames below.

"The end you say? The end for me? Oh, please, this is nowhere close to the end. For me and all those subjects of yours," She spat out the word "subjects" as if the very word disgusted her.  

"This is just the beginning. The beginning of our revenge and our fight for justice," she finished, while mentioning to the chaotic scene below.

She, then, spread out her arms and added with a maniac smile, "And who said I was planning on running?"

"Don't move!" They warned, hastily pulling out backup weapons, as an almost insane expression entered her eyes.

Closing her eyelids over those twilight-colored eyes, she stepped backwards and jumped off the cliff into the fiery flames. They quickly ran over and peered over the edge. Those utterly confused soldiers watched as the unforgiving fire engulfed her whole.

Their faces were hilarious as they traded bewildered looks after checking the scenery below one more time. You would, of course, warn them if you could about how a cunning grin played on her lips before burning away or how the ground beneath them were shaking. 

But they were on their own, and how they wished they had focused more on their surroundings as the earth exploded around them. As the dirt and rocks flew everywhere, as they screamed one last time before exploding into pieces, too.

All into ashes and dust.

Silence now filled the air around empty broken cliff. But if you had looked down at the igneous site one more time, you would swear you saw a pair of dark blue eyes in the midst of the blaze.

A pair of icy twilight-colored eyes belonging to a dark haired girl.

"Merry Christmas, World. Hope you liked our dedicated presents."

A girl with a devious smile.



I'm experimenting a plot that was planned a long time ago, so just bare with me.

Hope you enjoyed this short prologue! Any critics and suggestions are welcomed!

Please vote, and comment. (:

-the author

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