Chapter Seven - Secrets & Invites

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Reine's loud steps echoed through the dark empty hall which probably told everyone her exact location, but it was like not like she cared anymore. She could care less about anything and everything right now. After all, what was the point of caring about a world that never cared for her?

Or caring about a life that was now not even hers?

With her eyes blank and her mind in deep thoughts, Reine bumped right into a sprinting figure and knocked them both backwards on the floor.

"Watch where you are going, won't you?" Margaret rubbed her head without removing her gaze from her other clenched fist that was obviously holding something tight.

Reine stared at Margaret thoughtlessly for a second as if she was still trying to pull her conscious back to Earth. Seeing no one was replying, however, Margaret glanced up at Reine and gasped.

"Reine?" Margaret asked and squinted her eyes against the dark.

"What?" Reine replied irritably while getting back on her feet.

"Nothing," whispered Margaret as she, too, stood up.

For a second, Reine could have sworn that Margaret looked troubled and was definitely lying about her reply, but... Margaret's face was immediately set right back into her signature smirk. The expression was gone so fast that Reine was almost convinced that she had imagined it.


"Margaret, where are you going?" interrogated Reine as Margaret started walking towards the way that Reine just came from..

Reine's dark blue eyes narrowed suspiciously as Margaret suddenly moved her tight clenched fists away from Reine at this question. Then, without answering the question, Margaret bumped past Reine and continued on her way.

"Wait, wh-" Reine called out and grabbed the other's wrist.

Margaret froze and whispered, "It's none of your business where I'm going or doing," then she continued her stride and added, "why do you care anyways?"

Shocked by the truth of the question, Reine relaxed her grip on Margaret unconsciously, and Margaret proceeded in shaking Reine off and walked away without another glance.

Why do I care?

"I don't", Reine replied into the darkness before turning back to her path to nowhere and ran straight into Grown-Up Henri, Will. Today was just Reine's lucky day!

By this time, Reine was getting super annoyed of running into random people when she just wanted to be left alone and asked irritatedly, "What now? Are you rushing off to somewhere, too? Or do you just enjoy getting in people's ways? And..."

Seeing the happy smile on Will's face, despite her rant, made Reine trail off in confusion.

After a minute of staring at Will's stupid grinning face, which made him look even more like Henri, Reine rolled her eyes but did not say anything more, allowing Will to say whatever he wanted.

"I was actually just trying to find you," Will finally spoke with the idiotic smile still on his face, "Boss said you can join us! Of course, it's not official yet, but-"

Frowning in puzzlement, Reine interrupted, "Brock said I could join what?"

"Oh, have you already met Boss?" Will said, while mentioning the hallway behind Reine.

"I met him alright, but stop avoiding my question! What am I joining?"

Reine was getting more and more impatiently by each second. Surprises kept on popping out everywhere today, and Reine just needed answers and truths which she was getting nowhere.

Will's giddy grin widened, making Reine, who was getting really annoyed by his smile by now, want to punch it off his face.

No! Reine, this isn't you! You don't punch people just because-

"You can join the Diamonds!" Will blurted out.

Awkward silence followed that consisted of shocked blinks from Reine and Will still smiling like an idiot.

"What-" Reine fought to stuff her uncontrollable laughter, "What did you say?"

The smile on Will's face wavered for a minute, but he repeated with the same enthusiasm, "You can join the Diamonds!"

"Wait, you're serious," Reine slowly observed.

"Of course! I would never joke about something like this," responded Will, quite seriously.

"No," said Reine coldly as she tried to walk past Will.

Blocking Reine's way, Will frowned with his now cold eyes, all friendly smile gone, and stated, "I don't think you really understand what we are, Reine."

Seeing there was no way around Will, Reine stood her ground and threw back, while crossing her arms, "No, I don't, but I don't want to either. I've already seen enough. Now let me go."

A flash of uncertainty crossed Will face, but it was quickly replaced with another smile. A smile filled with malice as if he knew something bad that Reine did not.

Surprisingly, Will moved aside and mentioned at the empty path in front of her. Reine glanced at Will suspiciously out of the corner but continued on her way anyways.

After Reine past Will, he whispered, "Reine, the message from Boss was sent to everyone. Just remember I warned you when..."

But Reine did not hear what Will was warning her about, she did not want to hear, for she started sprinting as soon as she was out of Will's arm length.

Should I consider the offer? I mean, they aren't that bad, and after all what do I have to lose?

But they are criminals, Reine! Did you not hear what the anchor said earlier? They broke in-

Yeah, but everyone has to make a living one way or another!

There are better ways for teenagers to make money than stealing, and once again going back to what the anchor said, they broke in world class museums and stole over-

What should I do then? I don't have anywhere to go. Any relatives I can go to. Or anything to do and live for. Even if I tried to go and get myself a job or something, it won't take people long to realize that I don't have a family or any guardian.

Then it won't be long 'till they throw me in an orphanage.

Reine shook her tears away as the hallway seemed to finally end ahead of her.

But is an orphanage really so bad compared to this?

Slowing down, Reine looked around without really paying attention, her mind was too occupied by conflicted thoughts.

Is it? 



Sorry, I haven't updated in a REALLY long time, but I was working on my new book "Death's Token" which should be released soon! (hopefully, cross your fingers) 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless! Votes and Comments are appreciated! 

-the author 

P.S. please check out my new book when you have time! :)

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