Chapter Twenty-Five

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When I finally woke up I regretted it. My head felt like someone was pounding with a hammer and on top of that my demon was alreadyy yelling at me for my actions from the previous night. The previous night.... Minho kissed me....I smiled unconcisly at the rememberence, but grimiced when It growled. 

'You. Are. In. Huge. Trouble! You let this human kiss you. This is completely UNEXCEPTABLE! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING. NO YOU WEREN'T THINKING AT ALL! You were to busy having fun! Have you completely forgotten that you are here on a mission? That you will kill him? What has gotten into you? Have you gone soft? Have you started to fall for this human! You are a discrace! After everything, master is very- 

'You have a purpose..... Forget what the damons says. You have a purpose....You are doing well with what you are needed to do.'

I scrunched and wiggled my nose at the feeling of cold air being blown on my face. The sudden action made the voices in my head suddenly fade away. It was a reliefe to my aching head, but what the demon was going to say, I wanted to know.  What about master. 

"Wake up Taeminnie." Minho cooed, blowing air once again against my cheek. I opened mt eyes to glare at him, regretting it when the blinding light reached my eyes. Snapping my eyes shut, I rolled away from the light and covered myself with the blanket. 

"Taeminnie, rise and shine!"

"Nooooo! My head is killing me and the light burns my eyes." I whined. Minho poked my side, resulting in me letting  out a squeal of surprise. 

"What was that for?" I demanded, staying under my protection. 

"Because you won't get up. " I poked my head out from under the blanket, squinting at the light.

"I don't wanna." I said simply. Minho raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Well then no pain medicin for you and I bet your head is as you said killing you." Minho smirked. I fell back on to the pillows, the pain boucing back. A groan escaped my lips. Minho offered two asprins and a small cup of water. I gladly took them, swallowing the pills all at once. 

Sitting up, I rested my head on Minho's shoulder. He patted the back of my head softly. 

"First time drinking?" He asked. I nodded into his chest. His laughter rumbled deeply though his chest. "Makes sense. Do you happen to remember anything from last night?" Minho asked, scrtaching the back of his head nerviously. My cheeks heated at his question. 

"I remember everything." I mummbled into his chest. Minho's arms snaked around my waist, bringing me to sit in his lap. My head stayed on his shoulder. 

"Taemin. I like you. A lot.  And not in a friendship kind of way." I took me a moment to register what Minho had said.  I didn't know how to respond. I mean, it's not like I didn't know. Its to fucking obvious not to know! But hearing him say it...I just didn't expect it. 







My instincts kicked in and I ran. 

I starred at the door that Taemin had just run out of. He hadn't even hesitated. 

My head fell into my hands, a few tears falling from my eyes. 

"What did I just do?" I whispared. 

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