chapter 5 bell test part 4

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This is kurama talking: kit
This is anyone thinking: kit
This is naruto hunter side talking: kit

Okay I know I said this story didn't include sasunaru. Here's why: When I first was planning the story Naruto was supposed to fall in love with someone other than sasuke. And no not the usual lover's. But what I can do is hint at sasunaru or narusasu. Just to see were it takes me.

Kakshi pov

I looked over the majestic forest. Unbelievable that this isn't a popular place to go to. The blue fox was sitting next to sasuke. Both smileing. As much as I don't wanna ruin the majestic moment this was still a test.

Sakrua pov

Dam it. Where is Kakshi?! I lost him some time ago. Maybe if... chakra wave!

Chakra wave sends out a wave of chakra to detect other chakra signatures around you.

Hm there's three chakra signatures
Here. One of the three is awfully familiar. But it's a animal signature.


Naruto pov

There's that sent again... therefore it must be the real Kakshi... and sakrua?

Sasuke... hm?

There's one ninja I rather not have here if you already guessed. Kakshi...

And then obsessed fan girl is all so here.

Sasuke pov

Will there goes my peace...

What's the plan?

Naruto pov

(Whispers in sasuke ear)

Sasuke nodded and left.

Naruto got up in a protective posture.

Kakshi pov

Hmm.... Dose sasuke know him? The fox... wait... were the hell is Naruto? Does the kyuubi know whats going on... is that fox nar... no I don't think it is.

Sasuke pov

Weres that pink punk? Why do I have to find her!? Why can't that annoying blonde or blue or whatever find the pink punk?! Oh wait... Naruto said she'll only listen to me. Stupid excuse stupid excuse.

There's sakrua... get ready to lose my insanity.

Sakrua pov

Sasuke kun!!! Oh am so glad your here! I've been waiting for my hero!
Where's baka Naruto? Oh sasuke are you hurt? I can heal you I had medical training when I went to school and before I went to school! Oh did you heard?... I heard something about a strong ninja blah blah blah blah blah blah sasuke kun blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....

Sasuke pov



I have a plan to beat Kakshi in the "bell test"

Sasuke whispers in her ear about the plan. Sakura noded.

I hate that I know what sakrua's thinking... I bet she didn't heard a hill of beans of what I said.

Sakrua pov

Sasuke breath is in my ear... SASUKE BREATH IS IN MY EAR!!!

What was the plan?

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