Chapter Six: Death, Death and More Death

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Before I start this chapter, I want to quickly say that there is a reason why no one woke up in the last chapter. It won't be said in this chapter though, so just stick with me for a bit guys. Enjoy :)


Dlive was the first to wake up. He let out a long, deserved yawn and sat up. His usual neat light brown hair was messy and unbrushed and the smile that usually lingered on his lips was missing. Even Dlive's eyes had began to grow bags underneath.

He wasn't himself and no one could blame him. After the past 24 hours, Dlive and his group of friends were more messed up than most people where suppose to be in their life. Being shoved in a 'video game' with a missing friend and no way out was creepy. Disturbing. Things could be worse admittedly, but for the moment everything was ehhh.

Just as Dlive was about to shake his friends awake, he noticed something. Entoan was missing. He'd made sure to memorize where everyone had slept (just in case) and the Entoan shaped spot on the couch was empty.

"Great," Dlive muttered, standing up. Where'd Entoan gotten off to now? He did know there was a murderer on the loose right? The idiot. Better go look for him, he thought.

Dlive began to weave through the bodies on the ground when he noticed something else he hadn't before. The plain brown carpet was stained red at one point and as he walked closer, the stained turned into a puddle.

Oh god...

Dlive didn't wanna look up. He really didn't want too. But as the pools of red came to an end he knew he'd have too. Raising his head as slow as he could, Dlive made eye contact with Entoan.

With Entoan's dead body.


Minx's POV

"Come on Minx smile," Krism insisted, holding the camera in front of her.

"No! No picture!" I yelled, covering my face with the sleeves of my sweater.

Krism let out a long laugh and lowered the camera. We were at the local park having a picnic and for some reason Krism was trying to get a picture of me. Her excuse was that she was starting a scrapbook and wanted a nice photo of me. Last time I checked Krism wasn't even allowed glue because of "previous incidents" (Don't ask).

"Bebeh, I'm not putting my hands down until you really tell me what this is about!" I exclaimed through muffled shouts.

Through the slits of my fingers, I could see Krism cross her arms. Her bottom lip was in a pout and her glowing red and brown eyes were wide. Even a stranger would be able to tell she wanted something.

"I promised it's for a good cause," Krism pleaded.

I started to slowly lower my hands, but at that moment Krism decided to snap the photo. She let out a small happy dance at the result and stuck her tongue at me. I leaped up fron my spot on the blanked and lunged for the camera, determined to delete whatever Krism had taken.

The two of us ended up rolling all over the grass, laughter escaping our mouths. I could already see the grass stains forming on Krism's white blouse.

"Give up!" I giggled, landing on top of Krism with my knees around her waist.


I pretended to put my finger on my chin, as if I was thinking, before grinning like a maniac.
"Wrong answer." With that, I unleashed my secret weapon.

First, I started with her feet and then moved up to rest of her body. Krism bit her lip hard, so hard I thought it'd draw blood. I continued to tickle her, under the arms, the neck, ect. until I heard a small squeak from her. This only made me go faster causing  the small squeak to turn into a loud laugh.

"Fine, fine I give up!" Krism yelled, handing the camera over.

I let out a triumphant 'wooh' and was just about to kiss Krism when-


I shoot forward, my eyes instinctively searching for the screamer. For some reason I looked over to the fake window and sure enough there was Dlive with his face pale as a sheet.

"What happened?" I yelled, as everyone else stood up as well.

"," Dlive whispered, before he fainted. His body hit the ground with a thump and Chilled and Lizzie rushed to his side. Me and Ohm, on the other hand, turned to see what Dlive had been looking at.

What I saw made my bones chill. Entoan's dead lay in the corner, a hole the size of a knife in his chest. Dried blood surrounded him, most of it soaked into the carpet. It was like a scene from a horror movie but scarier.

"What kind of monster would do this?" Ohm scowled, shaking his head.

I already knew the answer. Me. I was the murderer and unless someone else possessed a knife, this was my fault.  The problem was, I didn't remember doing killing Entoan. My last memories were of falling asleep and dreaming of Krism. That was it. So how'd I kill him?

Another chill made goosebumps form on my arms. Something was definitely happening, something that I didn't know about. I couldn't have just lost my memory with no injury unless someone else had a hand in it. That was another question. Who?

Now I knew how everyone else felt. They wanted to know who the murderer was and I wanted to know who the 'controller' was. Question's that would have to wait because at that exact moment, Dlive woke up.

And Ohm shot him.

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