Chapter Nine: Crazy & Caught

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In the place where Necro had stood was a small crystal key, with what looked like a red ruby in the middle. "Gotcha," Minx murmed, picking up the tiny object and stuffing it in the pocket where the knife had been.

Keith had been right. The attic was the answer and to get the key, Minx had to face the thing that had been haunting her since the beginning. Necro's death.

Alright, alright, we can celebrate later. Now we have to figure out a way to go back to the others without them n-

"Why are you up here?"

Third POV

The man's fingers tapped over and over again on the hard wooden surface. His eyes jumped from monitor to monitor, his face rarely changing from the cold, heartless expression he wore.

This was the man behind it all. The mastermind, if you must. Everything had been his idea. Every move, every sentence, every emotion was because of him. This was his greatest work of art...

... or was it?

The game, at times, was nothing but a burden for him. A pain in the ass, that never went away. With all the glitches and problems in the plans, it was a surprise that he even made it through phase one. But that didn't matter anymore, what did matter was that the gamers were now his toys. His pawns. And nothing was going to get in his way.

The man turned his attention towards the ticking clock on the wall, the only connect to reality in the room. 10:00. It was time.

Minx's POV

"Why are you up here?"

The question was playing on repeat in my mind, over and over again like a broken record. Why was I up here? What had I accomplished other than gaining a useless key for god-knows what? Had this been Keith's plan, to lure me up here and wait till one of my friends came along and killed me? Great plan, great effing plan.

The anger which I had tried to subside returned again and this time there was no Necro to remind not to do it. To not plunge the knife deep into whoever had found me's neck.

My eyes darted over to the slightly red-glowing knife in the corner and I couldn't stop myself from thinking, 'Thirty seconds.... thirty seconds till that knife is back in my pocket and I can release hell.'

"You didn't answer my question," The same, annoyed voice repeated.


"Minx are you ever listening?"




"Minxie Moo! Why aren't you talking to me!"




The heavy weight returned back in my pocket but I made no move to grab it. This wasn't how it was going to turn out again. No matter what happened, I was not giving in this time. It didn't control me, I did. My rules, my decisions. 

"Why am I up here?" I finally said, my voice a little hoarse. "Why are you up here?"

"I'm here looking for you, Miss. Disappear-o. There's a murderer somewhere in this mansion and your looking guilty as ever right now."

His/her expression was un-detectable but at the same time, I knew I'd have to play my words right to get out of this situation. If I was getting killed, it sure as hell wasn't going to be here in the dusty old attic.

"I wanted an escape from downstairs, that's all. Two of my best friends have just been killed and well..."

I'm not sure if I had something to do with it.

"And you think your the only one who's affected by it? Dlive was like my brother and Entoan knew me inside out. Seeing them both dead on the floor... blood everywhere..."

I tuned out after that. I didn't need to hear the gory details or about how indirectly it was my fault. There was only so much that I could take before completely cracking and with the knife in my pocket, me going insane would be bad. VERY bad.

Then something caught my attention. The words he/she spoke next were filled with so much hatred they made me shiver.

"-And whoever did this is going to regret it. That monster is going to wish they'd never been born. I mean, how dare they kill our friends! What right did they ever have! A knife, they were given a goddamned knife and they immediately think, 'Hey, why not just go stabbing everyone else!' We could have sorted it out, we could have done something!"

By now, tears were streaming down their face and while I wanted to help, I was glued to the floor. I'd never felt so much hatred come from one person's mouth, especially directed towards me!

"Woah, woah, woah, how do you know that any of that is true! What if they had no choice?" I asked, trying to defend myself.

"Are you serious? Of course I'm not kidding! That psychopath, whoever they are, was our friend and because of them, we've lost two friends!"

But I didn't mean to...

"What they've done-"

Please, I didn't mean to!

"-no matter how desperate-"

It's not my fault! Don't!

"is un-forgivable."

I got that feeling again. It was weird, but it'd always been there, bubbling underneath the surface. When they'd said what I had done was unforgivable, I felt it burst forwards. It crushed all control I had and made me reach for the knife.

For my new best friend.

"You know your right," I said, pulling out my dried-blood covered knife. "What I did was unforgivable, but it was fun. More fun then I've ever had before. Watching Entoan's eyes becoming lifeless, well that was incredible."

They're eyes widened and they began to scramble for the exit, but I was there before they could even make it to the first step. I watched as panic filled his/her face and when they turned around to head for the secret passage, I added another name to my list of victims.



Thank you all so much for reading 🙃 I know that I don't really update frequently, and I apologize for that. I hope this made up for it though (well accept that part were I killed Chilled... Whoops?)

~ Memory 🦄🦄🦄 (Who is still obsessed with emojis)

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