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Aitetsu was out buying some groceries, since they had ran out of it this morning. As it was a Saturday, Blue Moon had the day off, so he chose to stay at home to rest.

"Mmmmmm...." Blue moon groaned at the light that was hitting his eyes. Painfully, he forced his eyes to open, only to feel a painful headache and an aching body.

"Ugh... Damn it.. I slept at 5am... Give me a break will you?"
"Who are you talking to Ao-San?"

Aitetsu just arrived back home from buying the groceries.

"Oh nothing... Can you close the curtains for me, Tetsu? Thanks."
"Geez.. Ao-San, you shouldn't sleep so late at night. It's bad for you..."
"Sigh... Say that to all my work that I have to finish in a short time..."
"You shouldn't blame it though.. I mean, it is given to you quite some time ago too."
"Ugh... Please just let me sleep Tetsu..."

Aitetsu just sigh, but he knows that Bluemoon had other commitments, even though it was mostly just hanging out with Punkish and Starmine. Though, he did not understand why Bluemoon was meeting them so much recently, as most of the time Bluemoon were always pushing them away.

Hmm... Maybe just my imagination.. I shouldn't think too much..


Bluemoon woke up and is currently taking a shower. His body was still aching and his head was still throbbing. He hated that feeling.
Damn it... And I thought taking a shower will make it go away... Ugh...

After showering, he came out, only to see Aitetsu placing a cup on the table that is beside their bed.
"Ah, Ao-San! Nice timing! I prepared hot tea for you, do drink it while it is hot." Aitetsu smiled.
"Ah, Thanks."

Just as Bluemoon was about to settle down, he suddenly collapse, sleeping on the bed.

"Hm? Ao-San?"
No reply.
Still no reply.
"Geez, how long are you going to sleep for? Besides, sleeping straight after taking a bath is bad you know! You have to dry your hair first!"
No reply.

Aitetsu fumed a little and went over Bluemoon. Firmly yet gently, he turn Bluemoon over, making him face up.

"Ao-San! Wake u-"

Aitetsu stop as he saw Bluemoon's cheeks slightly pinkish, and sweating a little even after taking a bath.
"Eh? Ao-San? Are you ok?"

Bluemoon did not move.

Aitetsu placed a hand on his forehead, only to get shocked and slightly frightened. Bluemoon had a fever.

Aitetsu started to panic, not knowing what to do. Though, he know that he had to dry Bluemoon's hair first, because his fever might worsen.

So Aitetsu went to get a hairdryer and quickly dry his hair. After that, Aitetsu laid Bluemoon on the bed, and made sure to cover him with the blanket.

After finishing all the things he needed to do, he ring up Starmine and Punkish, because they were the only ones he knew who are able to carry Bluemoon to the clinic. Other than them, he was not very familiar with the other Len modules. Though, sometimes Punkish makes him uncomfortable...

Gahh!!! I don't have the time to think about all this!

---After the chaotic situation---

Eh? ... Why is it so dark? What happened to me? Where's Tetsu? Ugh.... My head still hurts... Darn it...

"Hey, wake up!"
"Don't sleep already, Blue!" Punkish and Starmine are determine to wake him now. They used all sorts of tactics just to get Bluemoon to wake up.
Being against forced to wake up so many times in a day, it kind of gets annoying ...

"Ugh... What..?"
"Don't what me, you made everyone worry for you! And don't sleep already!!!"
"If you don't wake up, Aitetsu is going to cry non-stop! He will faint!!!"
"Wha- Punkish-sama what are you saying?!"

That made Bluemoon shot up from bed.

Big mistake.

Pain started to sting every part of his body, making him groan in pain.

"Ugh..... "
"A-Ao-San!!! A-Are you okay? S-Seriously you two! Don't make it anymore worse for Ao-San!"
"Tetsu, I know you are worried about him but seriously, you shouldn't be." Punkish retorted to Aitetsu.
"Ya, considering the fact that he was out with girls all the time." Starmine just had to add in that comment.

"E-Eh?..." Aitetsu could not believe what he heard.

A few minutes of silence...

"Ao-San, what does Starmine mean by that?"
"T-That is...."
"What other things can Starmine mean? He is flirting with other girls!"
"PUNKISH!!!" Bluemoon was shouting at that point.

"What? I am speaking the truth! Every time we want to meet up with you, you said you have something on. That day me and Starmine went and followed you because we saw you rushing for something, and in the end you met up with a girl!"

"Blue, how could you do this to Tetsu?! That isn't fair! If it was me I would never do anything like this to Dark! That is so-"
"ENOUGH!!! All of you don't jump to conclusions! Tetsu! What they are saying is true, but the situation wasn't like that! I swear! Tet-"

"I don't want to hear it." Shadows were covering Aitetsu's eyes, hiding his anger, sadness and the tears that are flowing.
"... Tetsu..."
"I don't want to hear anything..."
"Tetsu! You are really mistaken! I swear I didn't do anything that is wrong to you! I really did-"


The painful sound of the slap echoed throughout the room, faintly disappearing into the air. Bluemoon eyes widen in shock, unable to say a word.

"Ao-San.... YOU IDIOT!"
With that, Aitetsu ran out of the room with tears overflowing.

"Tetsu!!!! TETSU!!!!!!!"

To be continued...

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