"Forgive me" Part 1

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Aitetsu ran, unable to think straight or logically. It was already 10pm in the night, but he could not get himself to go back. He could not see where he was headed as tears were overflowing and they blurred the view.

How could he?! How could he?! After all I have given him... How could he?!

Wielding to all these thoughts, Aitetsu continued running and running, as if he wanted to escape from that reality.

I loved him... With all my heart... I don't ask for anything else... All I want is for him to love me too... With all his heart...

Thinking of all that made his heart ache, in fact everywhere was throbbing with pain. Aitetsu came to a stop beside a wall, taking in deep breaths to stabilize his breathing. Though, he could not stop the stings that is still hitting him in his chest, and the tears that kept overflowing.


The wind grew slightly stronger, bringing the cold wind across the city. Aitetsu walked on, hugging himself from the freezing air.


He could feel his tears flowing out again, just with the slightest thought of Bluemoon. It has only been a few hours, and Aitetsu is already starting to miss Bluemoon dearly.


That voice sounded familiar.

"Aitetsu!!! Where are you?! This is Starmine! Aitetsu!"

Aitetsu walked towards the sound, and found Starmine together with Punkish. The two of them looked worried.

"Punkish-san, Starmine-san! I'm here!"
Aitetsu shouted to get their attention.
"God! There you are! We were worried you know!" Starmine went up to Aitetsu.

"You alright?" Punkish asked.
".... Ya..." Aitetsu replied, gloom again about what happened.
"Come on, don't think about it anymore. If you don't want to go home, come over to my place. Being out here at this time is not safe."

"Hey, Punkish... Are you sure Asymmetry won't get jealous when you suddenly bring Aitetsu home?" Starmine just asked curiously.
"I am not bringing him back home to do something stupid or anything. Why would Asymmetry be jealous?"

"Well... Never mind" Starmine replied.
But seriously... Because you are Punkish? Sigh... If you don't flirt so much I guess Asymmetry won't always be so uptight...

-Back home-

Meanwhile, Bluemoon realized he collapse back on the bed after Aitetsu ran off by himself. However, his temperature did not went down, instead it increased from 38.1 degrees to 39.3 degrees.

"Ugh... Dang it... I hate this.."

Bluemoon tried to drag himself up from bed, but he felt really cold due to the night wind. Eh? Why is there wind..? Bluemoon notice that the windows were wide open, which tells him that Aitetsu is still not home after he ran away.

No.. I have to find him! I can't let him be out in the night like this!

Bluemoon got out of bed, and was about to walk to the closet, until his legs giveaway. He fell to his knees on the ground, clutching his clothes to stabilize himself.

Damn it... I really hate myself being so weak... Tetsu... Please be alright..

Slowly, Bluemoon got up on his feet, walked out of the room while panting all the way.

-Punkish's house-

"Ne! Asymmetry! I'm home!"
"Welcome back! Would you like to have d-"
Asymmetry was happily running towards the main entrance, until he saw Aitetsu behind Punkish. His face changed immediately.

= = I knew it... Starmine knew it would definitely happen. Asymmetry has never ever like Punkish bringing anyone home, because it only makes him think that Punkish does not love him anymore.

Though, of course, the same goes to Dark.

"What's up with that face? If you think I am cheating on you, I am not. Or, why don't you keep Aitetsu company? You are better at comforting than me."

"Why me?" Asymmetry still was not happy. Because, you bring home a guy and that person you love tells you to comfort him? Nothing makes sense.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't disturb me." Asymmetry walked away, fuming inside.

"Asymmetry! Ugh..."
"I told you Asymmetry won't be happy, Punkish."
"Ugh, stop it Starmine. Don't make it worse."

"I-I'm sorry if I stirred up something... I should just go back.." The quiet Aitetsu finally spoke up.

"You sure? Would you be ok now facing him?" Punkish exaggerated on the "him" word.
"Punkish, stop it. After all, that "him" you are referring to is Aitetsu's loved one." Starmine just could not put up with the sarcasm that Punkish was making.

"It's alright Aitetsu, if you want to go back, then we will bring you back home." Starmine comforted him.

"B-But we just got here.... I feel bad for making you and Punkish-san go all over the place..."

"Anything for a friend, Aitetsu." This time, Punkish left out all the sarcasm.
"Thank you." Aitetsu smiled, feeling very grateful to have them as friends.

-Back to Bluemoon-
Bluemoon went out into the city, only to find empty streets and night lights. There was not a single vehicle around, nor were there a single soul.

Every step he took, he dreaded over the guilt of making Aitetsu so sad over a misunderstanding. Aitetsu has always trusted him, but Bluemoon did not realise that the recent days he was not home early had made Aitetsu suspicious.

Tetsu... Please let me explain it to you... It's really just a misunderstanding...

It was really cold outside now, with the wind growing stronger than before. The sound of the clock from the clock tower could be heard from afar, signalling that it is already midnight.

Damn it... I have to find Tetsu! He can't be out here alone!

As Bluemoon was in a rush to go out, he only took out a sweater to keep himself warm, but it was not even helping the slightest bit. He could only shiver, while trying to maintain balance by leaning against the wall.

Ugh... So.. Cold...

"Hey, what have we here?"
"Whatcha doing out here alone, boy?"

Not familiar with the voices heard, he turned around to see who it was.

Tch... I hate thugs.

"Why don't you play with us?"

The dread came back to Bluemoon, but this time, it is not just guilt anymore...

To be continued...
Hi guys! Are you liking the story? Do give a comment if you have any inputs or thoughts to give~!

Sorry for the late update as I am quite busy recently. I will try to update as much as I can! So thank you all for liking and reading my stories! ^^

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