Dereck was a normal boy until thy meds got to him and he talked to Bee. They talked about everything and nothing at the same time. He even explained her about when his bastard dad raped him bc he said that gay people suck. They talked about life goals. She would become a stripper and he would go back to his roots as a prostituetd. She was like eyyyu we can make a lotta money by doing this. We can even become rich and classy ppl. And charlie the fuckboy dog wouldn't let the writer continue writing about the life that was unfolding before his eyes, because the boy didn't cut his hair Nd he looked like a geek from a band called something of the sun or horizon. But wait. There ism more
Kate's boyfriend, Craig, was mad bc dereck wasn't supposed to talk to people. But dereck didn't care bc he didn't had any friends at school bc they thought gay people sucked
Dereck was crying one night bc memories of his dad were flooding his mind Nd Bee the savior came to the rescue and they became driends
Dereck had to take his meds one night and he got high and decided to write about his lifetime
Thanks I luv u