Chapter 1

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《《Guess who's back?
Back again?
I haven't been gone for long, ANYWAY, I've been wanting to write a levihan for a while now and I now have a opportunity to do so.
Now, this is what I call is "over the shoulder"
Its still narrative but it constantly switches between first person and narrative. Please be aware of that switch》》

Get it?
Got it?

Carry on! ((my wayward son)》》

Hanji's over the shoulder~

Great. Its the same thing every year. Find a guy, settle down, have a family and live life. For the past few years I've been avoiding getting a mate and lived how I've been wanting to. Free.... with restrictions, but whatever.

I haven't had the best upbringing in the world, my parents and older siblings had already ran to the open plains and skies with their mates and I'm still here....alone. I am a free centaur, who needs no man...yet even if I dont, I still wish it.

Residing in my secret area away from the girls, I rest in the sunlight with my helper sasha. Dear little sasha, a young foal, brought up to help us get beautiful for any occasion. She spends every free piece of time she gets with me for a well deserved break from the snobs in the other area. Beside us on the rocks sat Sawney and bean, little titan helpers, who worked the same job as sasha. 《A/N: those angels that help them》

Of in the distance we heard the stomping of hooves, a herd.....great its that time already?.

As if a bomb went off, Sasha scampered to get up, tripping over herself a multitude of times before quickly saying a goodbye and rushing out of the area through the curtains. The girls had been working Sasha to the bone for the past week for this event and she still needed to help out with finishing touches.

With a sigh, I sat up, waiting for another bland event of them coming up and passing by for another.
The girls had always teased her for the longest time, always about her coat.

"Come on, she's practically a cow!"

"No help from her spots"

"I heard she's related to one of them, didn't you hear?"

"No wonder she can't get a man, she's a walking mess!"

"Poor little freak, all alone without a man to help at all"

《《A/N: I have nothing against cows》》

Day in and day out it was the same thing, she'd became immune to it. Shuffling to move to the water side to wade her front hooves in the water she waited. She waited for it to all be over and spend another year alone. But in spite all her years alone, she thought she would try something new.

'Maybe...maybe I'll give it a try this year...'.

Over Levi's shoulder~

We stood on top of a hill in front of the oasis awaiting. These to dip shits I call friends managed to get me here, holding my supplies hostage unless I gave this thing a chance. I honestly dont need a girl hanging off of my arm.

I did like a girl once but she's off with another male now.

In my thinking two people came up beside me, throwing their arms over my shoulders.

"So levi, are you ready for this?"

"We brought you here so you could, no backing out now, HA!"

It was Erwin and Nile, I wonder why I even talk to them. Mikes here ,but he's off to the side silently laughing at my predicament.

"I dont have a choice in this matter do I?"

I replied , already bored with this event.

I push them off of my shoulders ,with them still chuckling and walk to the oasis, might as well get this over with. Looking over the horizon I notice that the centaurs of the Trost forest are finally getting here, late as always.

With them joining the group, we all began to run to the opened entrance of the oasis to the ladies who await our arrival.

That time of year again [[levihan story]]Where stories live. Discover now