Chapter 4

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/(/(/(/(/(/(/(/(/(/(/(/(/ I'M BACK AGAIN. ITS MONDAY AND i GOT A FREE DAY WOO-HOO!. any-who.... here's part 4.)/))/)/)/)/)/)/)/

no ones over the shoulder, until I say so

The silence between the two was thick, you could cut it easily with a knife. They both sat in the same spot for a while, neither of them willing to move as to disturb the odd excuse of peace that was made between them.

The only sound/movement that was made was when Sasha got distracted by the butterflies floating around and began to chase them, along with Sawney and Bean ,who joined in a while ago.

Through the vines and rocks behind them the sounds of moans and laughter could be heard. Both were jealous when they heard it, they all found the love of their life...but them.

Enough with moping around, the silence was starting to kill her. She got up and trotted into the pond again. Stopping for a moment, as is she was turned to stone.

Seeing her get up and go in the water made Levi cautious. Despite being around for such a small amount of time, he felt like he knew her forever. As she stilled, he tensed, she was about to mess with him, he knew that much.

Of course his hunch was right, standing still for a bit, she prepared herself. Quickly she lifted her front and used the waters force to push her back legs up when her front part came back down.

Soaking Levi to his very core.

Of course his actions weren't instantaneous, he sat there, arms over his head, eye scrunched and fists clenched. Outside, he might as well looked like a lost foal, but on the inside, is something not to be described for it is too be too vivid and horrendous to speak of.

In her time of life, his mother always said to treat a lady with the utmost respect that he could offer. And no matter how rude and horrible she may act, he was to be a gentleman.

But Hanji?

No...this did not apply to her.

Not. One. Bit.

Oh, she was going down.

/(/(/(/ hi guys, by the time I got to the bottom its sunday. I've been busy for a while...ya 'know breakdowns in art me the usual.

But I'm glad for the people who are reading old and new, and hoe you guys keep coming and keep reading.

I know this is incredibly short, but I'm falling asleep constantly and quickly....

Also I want them to do a duet, a meaningful one and Levi can connect too.
Im not a big duet listener

((unless it's bad apple, but. Thats something different))

I would like you guys to give suggestions to what would be good.

Im not begging for comments, but this idea has been bothering me, and I would like to stop it with an answer.



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