Chapter 2

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*Author's Note*:

Hey guys! I hope you like the book so far, I'm really feeling this one. I'm not going to put a picture of th characters up because I like leaving them to your imagination. Well, I hope you like it!

Happy Reading!~Sarah <3

*Beep! *Beep!

My alarm clock sang two hours after I fell asleep. I groaned loudly and yawned. I found myself on the floor and was confused at first, then it all came back. I stretched, got up, and woke up Farrah. Farrah is not a morning person, so when I tried to wake her, she kindly told me to leave her alone or she would slap me like a bitch. I was used to this from her so I just kindly shoved her off the bed, with love since it was Valentines Day.

"Get up sleeping beauty! It's Valentines day and we have to get ready and pivk up J and Max at 7:30," as said to her as I walked into my bathroom to get ready. I washed my face and started brushing my hair when I heard her groan, get up, and join me in the bathroom. I quickly loosly curled my hair, put on a touch of makeup, and went back to my room to change and grab my books. When I was done getting ready and was sitting on my bed, Farrah walked in and put on her dress. She smiled and was perky as usual. It only took her a little bit to get out of her morning gloom. 

"Ready to go?" She said to me and tossed me the keys to th Blue Jay. 

"You know it," I smiled and said to her. We grabbed a quick smoothie from the fridgerator and yelled to my dad tht we were leaving. Then we hoped into the Jay, and headed to pick up our favorite boys. 

"Well look at you!" I said to Jordan as he sqeezed into the back seat. He was wearing a dashing white, collard, button down shirt with rolled up sleeves and a nice pair of jeans. 

"Don't get used to this," He responded. "I only dress like this on special occasions." I laughed at him and then he complimented our outfits. "How long did it take you to pick them out?" he said and winked at us. I started the car and drove to Max's house which was a block away.

"Not long, actually" Farrah, who was sitting up front, looked back at him and said. 

I pulled up to Max's house and honked twice. Even though it started as me and my dad's signal, everybody knows it. He walked (more like strutted) out the door of his house and casually hoped in the car. 

"Well hello there beautiful ladies. Happy Valentines day." Max said to us. he was wearing his usual white v-neck, gray hoodie, leather jacket, black jeans, and sunglasses. 

"Why thank you Max," Isaid as i started driving to school. "Happy Valentines day to you too." I winked at him through the review mirror and I sam him smirk.

"Eyes on the road Aster. You are going to get us killed if you keep staring at Max," Jordan said to me. I glared at him and Max shoved him playfully.

We arrived at school and got out of the Jay. We walked to the front courtyard together, but we then headed to homeroom. Max and I had the same homeroom, but Farrah and Jordan had seperate ones. Max and I walked to homeroom and I could see all the hopeful girls staring at him like he was a god or something. We sat down in our chair next to each other once we got to class, and the boring school day started.

I was standing at my locker before I went to the cafeteria for lunch. Since Farrah and I's classes before lunch were close to here, we met before going tosit with the boys at lunch.

I was leaning at my locker when I heard someone clear there throat behind me. I turned around and saw the captain of our school's football team behind me, Sean. He was a senior and the cutest guy in school. I wanted to scream, but I kept my cool.

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