notre passé et présents Ch.8

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The Past: Scarlet's P.O.V.


I was so nervous that I ended up waking earlier than I ever have before. After searching through my closet for something to wear, I finally figured it out. Quickly, I took my shower, dried my hair, and brushed my teeth. Since my godfather was the headmaster of Hogwarts, I didn't have to wear uniform. Albus had been very sad when he heard what had happened to me in France. In other words, you felt so bad that he wasn't going to force me to wear something that I hated because “it may remind me too much of when I was at Beuxbatons and what happened when I was in France”. Though I knew the real reason was because he knew how much I loved fashion and that I couldn't stand being forced to wear something. I would wear a robe, but no stupid uniform that everyone would be wearing.

I wore a short orange dress that had one shoulder strap with jewels covering the strap, my shoes were white satin high heels with a small white rose on the top. My accessories were a white tote bag that had an endless bottom, which was going to be my carry on bag, a diamond cluster ring, and diamond chandelier earrings. The only makeup was pewter eye shadow and a pinkish orange lip stick.

“Are you ready to go?” James yelled from outside my door.

“Yeah, just one second,” I yelled back as I grabbed one of my suitcases. “Hey James, can you come get this suitcase?”

“Sure Scar,” he came into my room and stared at everything I had packed. “Are you serious?”

“No, I'm Scarlet,” I smirked at him as I handed him my other one. He cracked a small smile before looking me up and down.

“I can't believe you are going to Hogwarts looking like that. Do you really want me to prank every guy that looks at you the wrong way?” he walked out the door with my bags.

“It won't be my fault,” I said as I followed him down to our door.

“Really? How did you fit all your stuff in just two bags and a carry on, you always have tons of stuff to take with you?”

“All of the bags have endless bottoms, one has my clothes, jewelry, shoes and purses. The other has school supplies.” when we got to the entrance hall I noticed that the rest of the guys were there.

“Are you all ready to go?” my mom asked as her and my dad walked over to our group.

“Yes!” we all said excitedly.

“Okay, Scarlet, Sirius and Peter will come with me,” she told us.

“And James and Remus will come with me,” my dad said. My mom grabbed a hold of my hand and placed her hand on Peter's shoulder. Sirius grabbed a hold of my other hand, causing butterfly's to appear in my stomach.

All of a sudden I had the feeling of being squished before I found my feet against pavement. When I opened my eyes I saw a large train, everyone was standing around saying good-bye's and hello's. “You all better watch over Scarlet. Try to stay out of trouble,” my mom told us.

“But do something wrong, you have a reputation to keep up!” my dad said as he winked at us all.

“Just stay safe, good-bye. We have to leave,” my mom said as my dad and her disappeared.

“We should go throw our bags in the luggage car.” Peter squeaked. We all walked over to the luggage car and threw our stuff in. Along the way I noticed some guys staring at me, each one of them received glares from James, Sirius, and Remus, while Peter just acted like normal.

“What's you guy's problem?” I asked them as we started to get on the train.

“Nothing,” each of them said.

notre passé et présents (a Sirius Black love story)Where stories live. Discover now