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He sat at his desk, pen in hand, paper in front of him, but not matter how hard he focused, nothing came to mind. He let out a frustrated moan whilst bringing his hands to his face and rubbing his tired eyes. Never leave homework to last minute, he thought. In his eyes this task was stupid; the most recent English homework he had received was to write a fictional story about another world, a different universe if he wanted, but he had no idea what to write. No inspiration was found anywhere except online, but if he went there, he wouldn't get any work done at all.

"Why do I have to be so stupid?" He muttered an angry question to himself. "Although that blasted stand-in teacher wasn't even supposed to set us homework, was she?"

His shared bedroom door opened to reveal his younger and shorter friend and room mate, Drew.

"You alright there, pal?" Drew asked with a small chuckle at his friend's inevitable doom that would occur tomorrow if he didn't complete his work soon.

"Oh, piss off, you. I wouldn't be so stressed over this if you hadn't insisted I come play video games with you and your mate, so as soon as I've written something myself deems worthy of handing in, I'm going to murder you slowly and painfully." He grinned menacingly at the blonde still standing in the door way.

Drew moved closer to the desk and took the pen from his hand, "Come on, Laurence, you had more fun than you would've doing this, admit it!"

The black haired boy sighed, "I know I did, but I could have joined you later like I told you, you little git, but no I just had to join you right then. You couldn't possibly wait another half hour." Laurence rolled his eyes.

Drew looked at the floor for a moment in thought, before raising his head and smiling. "Well, you're not going to get anything done if you keep talking to me, Laur. I don't know why you choose to distract yourself when you know you've got to hand this in tomorrow."

"You're the one that initiated this conversation in the first place!" Laurence all but yelled at his friend.

"Temper, temper," Drew shook his head. "Why can't you think of anything to write, anyway? You've one hell of an imagination. You can write better stories than Shakespeare!"

"That's an exaggeration, if ever I've heard one, mate." Laurence mimicked the blonde's previous action, "Even if that were true, my brain is currently empty of any good ideas worthy of the teacher's eyes."

The smaller boy awwed as he petted the elder one's hair, "Just write about that place you made up ages ago. You're still working on it, aren't you?"

Laurence waved his hands away. "Yes, I'm still working on it. No, I will not write about anything to do with Grandomina because, besides Barrone, you're the only person whom has any knowledge that exists right now."

"Ooh, get a load of you and your fancy speech." Drew rolled his eyes, "Just write about there. Sir won't know it's something you're working on and have been for a while, and it's not like he'll read it out in class or anything. You'll be fine, stop worrying."

Laurence sighed. "Fine, I'll do that, but if he reads it out in class tomorrow you better stay out of my sight for the next few days."

"Well how's that possible if we're roomies?" Drew quizzed rather condescendingly.

"If you talk to me, I'll get Luke on you." The dark haired boy threatened.

"Pfft, what'll Fairhead do? He couldn't harm a fly." Drew laughed at what he though was an empty threat from his friend.

"Not Fairhead, idiot. Illingworth." Laurence grinned maniacally and Drew's face dropped.


Congratulations, Laurence BeveridgeWhere stories live. Discover now