Chapter 7

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“So how was detention with McSteamy?” Rachel asks over the phone.

I called Rachel a few minutes after dinner. I was planning to ask her how her date with Michael Lee went today, but apparently she feels that talking about me with my non-boyfriend is more important.

I flop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. “Uneventful. You know, he totally—wait. Wait. What did you call Jace?”

Is it sad that when Rachel says ‘McSteamy’, I know exactly who she’s talking about?

“McSteamy,” she replies.

“You mean like from Grey’s Anatomy?”

There’s a small silence and I’m sure Rachel just nodded before she realized we’re on the phone. A few seconds later, she says, “That’s who I’m talking about.”

Unlike Rachel, I don’t roll my eyes even though I want to because I know she wouldn’t see it. Instead, I add extra tone in my voice. “I’m sorry, Rachel, but aren’t ‘McSteamys’ supposed to be hot?”

Rachel sighs. “Get over yourself, Stella. Jace is capital h-o-t and you know it.”

“Well, we don’t have the same taste in guys, I guess,” I argue.

She sighs again. “Stella, the entire female population at our school and also quite a few of the male population, including juniors, sophomores and freshmen think he’s hot. So, I really doubt that we have different taste in guys. There are some guys who are just everybody’s taste, you know?”

“Why are you talking like we’re like a Mean Girls movie? Jace is a lot of things.” (Mostly bad.) “But, in my opinion. In. My. Opinion, he’s not hot.”

“But Stella—”

“Moving on,” I interrupt. “Tell me, how was your date with Michael?”

“It was perfection,” she says.

I burst into a fit on giggles on my bed because I know she just quoted an episode of Friends on purpose, and it’s hilarious.

Rachel continues. “No, really. He took me to this really neat café thing after school, then at around 6ish, we went on this ferryboat ride.”

“You know, I’ve never been on a ferryboat ride before.”

“Are you for real?”

“No, I’m fake,” I retort sarcastically.

“Stella! How could you have lived in Seattle your entire life and not have gone on a ferryboat ride?!”

“Well I’m sorry for not living like you do, gosh.”

It’s not my fault that I haven’t been on one. The thing is: what’s really the point? Where can I go on a ferryboat in the 21st century that I can’t reach with a car or a bus? That’s 20 bucks right there gone because I’d rather entire my life. I’m sorry, but I’d rather save that 20 bucks and just spend $2.50 on a bus ticket. That, my friends, is good economical sense and smart money saving.

“Hey,” I say suddenly. “If Jace is McSteamy, then who’s McDreamy?”

“Well, I was kind of thinking that Michael could be it…”

“I guess that makes sense,” I laugh. “’Cause you think he’s so dreamy right?”

We talk for a few more hours, mostly about her and Michael. Sometimes the conversation strays to Jace but I quickly divert it. At around 12am, I get a call on the other line and I say goodbye to Rachel.

I don’t recognize the number so when I switch lines, I say, “Hello?”

“Hi, um, can I speak to Stella?” replies a voice that sounds faintly familiar.

“That’s me.”

“Oh, hey Stella. It’s Jace.”

I sit up from my lying position faster than you can say pig. “How did you get my number?”

“Cameron gave it to me.”

I make a mental note to kill Cameron tomorrow.

“Okay Jace, what do you want?” I ask him. There’s a hint of annoyance and distaste and I hope he catches that so that he’ll get the hint to hang up.

Jace ignores my question. “What time is it?”

“It’s like 12:15. Don’t you have a clock?”

 He ignores my question. Again. “Does that mean you’re going to bed soon?”

“Mhm. I just have to go shower. It’s been a long day and…wait. You’re not getting off on this, are you?” The disgusting thought suddenly came to my head. (Haha, came.) I swear to the lord if he was, I will murder him. After I murder Cameron.

“What?!” Jace nearly screams into the phone. “No way. I just called to say good night.”

I stay silent for a few seconds. “You just called to say goodnight?”


“And nothing else?”

Jace laughs softly. “Don’t worry, Stella. I wasn’t getting off at the thought of you showering.”



“Woah, hold up—”

“Goodnight, Stella,” he interrupts with a tone of amusement in his voice. Before I can say anything else, the line goes dead.

I sit quietly for a while, going over what just happened. That was so horrible. I’m supposed to make him fall in love with me. Instead, I’m sitting here like a stubborn school girl, rejecting all of his moves. How is he supposed to think further about it if I keep rejecting him? No, no, no. That won’t do. I’m going to have to step up my game, meaning that I’m about to become the world’s greatest flirt and manizer. That’s what you call it right? Guys who are charmers are called womanizers, so girls who are charmers should be manizers.

I sit for a while longer, thinking of an attack plan, then decide to go shower and leave the devising ‘tiltomorrow. Besides, I have to kill him, and Cameron, first anyways. 


kinda a short chapter but honestly, i try hard to write long, but sometimes there's just that approriate moment to end a chapter, you know what i mean?

anyways, i hope you guys like this chapter and please vote/comment if you don't usually do that. it makes me really happy :D

also, happy belated 4th of july. even though i'm from canada. to be honest, i swear we have a lot of unpatriotic citizens in our country. just the other day at work, some dudes came in celebrating the 4th of july. i was like are you guys american? and they were like nope, we were born in canada, but we just like 4th of july better. canada day is so crap and stuff like that. just goes to show haha.

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