Chapter 12

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a chapter long overdue, sorry! i tried to make it longer, and it is longer than my usual updates. i thoroughly enjoyed writing this, AND i think it's my best chapter yet :D


It’s raining when I wake up. The sound of the rain is unnerving. It’s not the usual pit-pat that you get. No sir. What I’m hearing today as I’m lying in bed can only be compared to what it would sound like it somebody locked a beast against my window and it was constantly gnashing against it. The scene outside isn’t any prettier. Everything is a blur because of the sideways path the downfall decided to take and just the word rain is an understatement. It’s more like pouring buckets or cats and dogs or maybe if you stood under Niagara Falls or something.

I look out my window to survey the damage and can barely see anything. On the sidewalk, I can barely make out the outline of Cameron’s Jeep. Odd; it’s a Saturday.

Letting out a sigh, I pad out of my room and into the bathroom. For a second I debate on taking a shower but decisively throw the idea away because it’s Saturday and no one will see my today (Rachel wouldn’t call me out because she hates the rain. She hates the rain). The tiles on the bathroom floor are ice cold and I guess that wakes me up a bit because by the time I finish brushing my teeth and washing my face, I’m not tired at all.

After the bathroom, I head straight for the kitchen; my pajamas are more comfortable than anything else I have in my closet, unless we’re talking about me going nude, which I won’t do mainly because the windows in my house are unreasonably large and I don’t look forward to the prospect of my dad finding me in my birthday suit.

At the bottom of the stairs, near the front entrance, I spot 3 separate pairs of shoes. Once again, odd. Before I can reach the kitchen though, I find my way blocked by my very angry and suspicious looking sister.

Explain yourself,” she says.

“Explain what?” I ask, trying to look past her.

She takes a sip of her coffee and narrows her eyes. “There are three boys in our living room. Three.”


“On Monday, there were two. Today, less than a week later, I come downstairs to get my morning coffee and I see three pairs of smelly shoes and three smelly boys sitting on the couch that I paid for.”

I roll my eyes.

“Mom and dad paid for those, you nitwit. Stop being so melodramatic,” I tell her.

“Stella, I have an exam on Monday and I need to go study.”

“Then go!” I say in annoyance. “Nobody asked you to stay!”

“What was I supposed to do? Leave you here with those three?”

I take a deep breath.

“Elizabeth, one of them is Cameron. Do you really think that anything will happen with Cameron here?” I reason. “I mean, honestly.”

Elizabeth purses her lips and takes another small sip of coffee.


What are you still doing here? Go – do – your - studying!” I shout at her.

Walking behind her, I push her towards the door. Thankfully, we just had our floors waxed last week or else we would have both toppled over.

“Here: purse, car keys, textbook, shoes. Go, go, go!”

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