Chapter 8

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“Cameron James Ward, you are a dead man.”

I drop my backpack on his desk and put my arms on the two sides, basically trapping him.

Cameron looks up at me with wide eyes and slowly slides his chair backward until it hits the desk behind him.

“Hey, don’t look around. You can’t escape anymore,” I snap at him, getting back his attention. I know he was trying to look for a way around me.

He laughs nervously. “Why – why would I escape?”

I roll my eyes. “Cameron, I’ve been your best friend since god knows when. I know that you already have an escape plan mapped out in your head.”

“Well obviously, you don’t know me that well then,” he scoffs. “Besides, I’m not scared of you. There is nothing that you can say to make me scared me you.”

“Oh, is that right?”


“Okay, then tell me. Why did you invite Jace to Octoberfest with us and then give him my number yesterday?”

“What? I didn’t do that!”

“Yes you did! Yes you did and you’re going to admit it and then you’re – going – to – pay!” I tell him, inching his desk closer to him with every word until it’s pressed up against him and he’s sandwiched in between the desk behind him and his own desk.

“Stella,” he says in a strangled tone. “Can’t. Breathe.”

I smile wickedly at him. “Oh, isn’t that sad? Well, too bad that I know you can hold your breath for a minute and 46 seconds.”


“If you want to live, you should tell me why you gave Jace my number! You know I—”

“Think he’s incredibly hot?”

I don’t get to finish my sentence because a pair of hands grasps my arm and lift me up. I feel myself being moved in the air before falling into my chair.

“No, I don’t think you’re incredibly hot,” I tell Jace, who’s smirking down at me. “Now get out of my way because I have to go kill Cameron.”

Jace crosses his arms and takes a “threatening” (not) step towards me. “No you’re not. English is going to start soon and I don’t want another detention because of you.”

I glance at the clock. We still have 20 minutes ‘til class starts.

“Another detention because of me? Are you…okay. I’m not dealing with that right now. Get out of my way.”


I push myself up from my chair. “Okay, whatever. I don’t need permission from you.”

When I bring my hand up to push Jace away, his hand is faster and before I can even see it happen, he’s already gripping my wrist.

“Let me go,” I say, shaking my wrist.

His grip only tightens. “No.”

I shake my wrist some more. “Let. Me. Go.”

Now, Jace has a death grip on my wrist and he’s smiling like the devil. “No.”

“Let me go, let me go, let me goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”

All of a sudden, Jace whips me around and crosses my arms around me so that he’s kinda of hugging me from the back.

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