The surprise

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**I do not own Maze Runner, all credits go to the amazing James Dashner. All I own is tempest and my plot line.**

Alby didn't look like he had fun hugging me. Everyone one was smiling, then you got to Alby. He had a scowl on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Do you guys remember me?" I asked Minho and Gally. I was still giddy from seeing them.

"That's the thing," Minho started, "I don't."

"I do." Gally piped up. "I saw you during the changing."

"When I saw you I had this... feeling. Like I knew you. And then I spoke, like it wasn't even me. There was this shuck voice in my head and it was telling me what to say." Minho said frowning, a little crease forming between his eyebrows.

"Its okay, as long as I get to see you again. I don't know how I remember you either, there were only flashes of images, sounds and my name being screamed." I told them, holding my head in my hands. Newt stepped forward and pried my hands away. He was sending me a look that clearly read 'Stop, you shank!'.

"Do you want to go see Thomas?" Albys voice was tired and grumpy. My head snapped up quickly and I shouted, "No!"

I shrunk into Newts side as everyone's attention snapped to me. "I don't want to see him." The words tasted bitter coming off my tongue. "I remember what he did to me, to us." They looked expectant, like they wanted me to tell them more, but I had said enough to let them know why I didn't want to see him.

Alby just sighed and left, muttering about how us greenies were shanks. "Thanks, you slinthead!" I yelled after him, making Minho snort.

"Can we go somewhere now? Have they decided that I'm not a danger?" I tried to lighten the mood. Newt cracked a smile and placed his arm around my shoulder, guiding me out of the room. My mind flashed back to the memory, but I quickly pushed that thought away. I've known the guy for a day.

Newt was showing me around the glade. Everywhere I went boys would stare, some would even whistle, but a glare from Newt the up pretty quickly. We were approaching what Newt explained called the deadheads, when an ear-piercing alarm went off. My hands shot up to cover my ears as the alarm went on for what felt like for ever. Nothing was said as Newt took of towards the noise, a limp quite noticeable. I took off after him catching up to his long strides easily.

Everyone was crowded around the box, and I caught a glimpse of Thomas before I turned away. I found that the mass of boys parted for me as I walked through. Shouts were heard from all directions and I really wanted to scream, "Shut up!", but refrained as Alby wouldn't be happy.

After a long few minutes boys started moving. They opened the doors and peered inside. A groan was heard, before Gallys voice, "Not again." I quietly made my way to the edge of the box and looked inside myself. Sprawled on the floor was a girl, this time unconscious. Who was she?

Newt and Alby approached the doors and peered down as well, both not looking happy with the addition. More boys started speaking and Alby spun around, "You shanks shut up! Tell 'em, Newt."

Newt looked down at the box again than faced the crowd. "Its another girl." His word were grim, and it started up the boys again.


"Since Newt got dibs on the first one, I get dibs on this one."

"What does she look like?"

"How old is she?"

Newt cut everyone off, staring at me as he spoke. "That's not the bloody half of it, I think she's dead..."

I rushed to the edge of the box, brushing away Thomas' hand, ignoring Newts look, and drowning out Albys yelling. I lowered myself onto the edge than dropped, making sure to bend my knees, so they absorbed the shock properly.

The gladers were quiet now, and I assumed they were all anxious to see the girl, but no one dared admit it. A few boys had made ropes of vines and were lowering down Newt and Alby. I had been checking her pulse as they connected ropes to pull her out, and while it was slow, it was there. Alby yelled for them to pull her up, and they did, leaving us at the bottom of the shaft. We were pulled up next, and once were up we saw that the boys had formed a tight pack around the girl.

"Greenie, get over here." Newt said, rudely. He than turned to me, "You too."

Thomas pushed his way through the boys, walking over to me. he put his arm around my shoulder, but I brushed it off and walked towards the girl.

"You know this girl, shanks?" Alby barked out.

"I don't have any recollection of her, Alby." I said quietly, brushing the girls hair of her face, her pale skin glowing in the sun.

"Know her? Of course I don't know her. I don't know anyone here, except you guys." Thomas stuttered out.

"That's not....." Alby began, but stopped with a frustrated sigh. "I mean, does she look familiar to you? Do you feel like you've seen her before?"

"No. Nothing." Thomas was shifting on his feet, looking nervous about the attention on him.

"You're sure?" Albys forehead was creased and he looked angry, as though he didn't believe a word Thomas was saying.

"Yes! Why?"

"Alby... I don't think he remembers her..." I spoke up, still refusing to look at Thomas.

"Can't be a coincidence. Two days, three greenies, two alive, one dead." He muttered.

Thomas started to sound panicked, "You don't think I..."

"Slim it, greenie," Newt cut him off, "Were not sayin' you bloody killed the girl."

"I swear she doesn't look familiar at all." he said again.

"Are you-?"

The girl shot up into a sitting position before Newt could finish, and as she sucked in deep breaths, her eyes snapped open, and she blinked, her eyes darting around the crown surrounding her. I had stumbled back into Newt and we both fell back, landing in a heap on the floor.

Than she spoke, her voice hollow and haunted, but clear. "Everything is going to change."

Her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell back to the ground. Her right fist shot into the air as she landed, staying rigid once she was still. Parts of a crumpled piece of paper could be seen, and Newt ran forward, uncurling her finger grabbing the paper ball. His hands were shaking as he unfolded it, than dropped to his knees, to spread it out on the ground, and I crawled over to get a better look.

On the paper in thick black letters, were five words:

She's the last one. Ever.

"Surprise....she's not dead?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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