Chapter 5: The End

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Chapter 5

[The Next Morning]

"Is Harry still sleeping?" Molly inquired as she settled down at the nearly full table.

"He woke up in the middle of the night," Sirius replied, his brow furrowing slightly. "But he shouldn't still be asleep at this hour."

"Percy, dear, could you go and wake Harry up?" Molly requested with a warm smile, though her concern was evident.

Percy grumbled sleepily as he rose, muttering about Ron's friend and questioning why Ron couldn't handle it himself. Nevertheless, he trudged upstairs towards his younger brother's room. "Harry," he called, pushing open the door. "Harry," he repeated, approaching the lump beneath the blankets and giving it a firm nudge.

The blanket yielded, revealing an empty bed.

"Mum!" Percy's voice echoed down the stairs as he rushed back downstairs.

"What is it?" Molly hurried over, hands on her hips, her expression turning serious at Percy's flushed face.

"Harry's not in his room," Percy panted, leaning against the wall to catch his breath. "I really need to work out more," he thought to himself, clutching his chest.

"What do you mean, he's gone?" Sirius demanded, appearing suddenly beside Molly.

"I looked everywhere. He's not there," Percy confirmed breathlessly.

Just as Percy finished speaking, a light tap came at the kitchen window.

The entire Weasley family, plus Hermione and Sirius, gathered around, their worry palpable.

"Hey, there's something here!" Ron exclaimed, rushing to the window and throwing it open. There was a note pinned to the window frame. Ron plucked it off and unfolded it, revealing Harry's familiar scrawl. Everyone crowded around to read over Ron's shoulder.

"To Sirius, Hermione, and the Weasley Family,

I am truly sorry. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and will miss you.

Molly, Arthur, you were the first people I ever met who loved me like their own son. I used to go to sleep every night as a child, wishing I had parents like you. I want you to know I will always remember you. You were my first parents, and I love you."

Molly sobbed into Arthur's chest, her heart breaking for the boy she had embraced as her own.

Arthur held her tightly, his face clouded with sadness at Harry's words.

"Ron, Hermione, I still remember the first time we met on the train. Before Hermione barged in and acted like an annoying know-it-all. Remember? We were walking down the train, me trying (and failing) to carry my trunk, Ron looking for Percy, and Hermione reading while walking.

We were so lost in our thoughts that we didn't notice each other until we collided and ended up on the floor. I remember how much it hurt when Hermione's tome fell on my head. (Owch)"

Hermione choked out a laugh, tears welling in her eyes as she recalled the memory. "That was one of my most cherished memories," she whispered, reading Harry's familiar handwriting.

Ron stood silently, his gaze fixed on the letter. "I didn't think he remembered that. When we met again, I knew he was the boy I bumped into right away. That's why I went into his compartment in the first place." Hermione stared at him in surprise.

"He didn't look at me weirdly. Most kids call my clothes old or ugly, but he just smiled and helped me back up," Ron said, shrugging, unaware of his parents' guilty expressions.

"To Sirius,

Hey, Paddy. I'm sorry I had to do this to you. I know how much you love me, and I know this must be hurting you a lot. But I had to. I'm not James. I know you know that, but sometimes you look at me and it seems like you're stuck in the past. It hurts me to see you like that, knowing that being near me causes you pain. I cherish every moment I spent pranking with you. Thank you for sharing memories of Mum and Dad.

I wish I could have taken you with me, but where I'm going won't allow you there."

"To Percy,

My rule-following older brother. You've taught me so much over the years-making sure I always did my homework, turning me into a clean freak like you."

Percy chuckled, tears streaming down his face.

"Relax sometimes, okay? Don't be afraid to let loose every now and then. I love you, bro."

"To Fred and George,

You two are the most troublemaking people I've ever met. But I love you both, and I hope you'll always be the same smiling, mischievous twins I met on the train."

"To Ginny,

Even though we didn't spend much time together, I saw you as a little sister. You were always fun to be around. Keep the boys in check, okay? And don't forget to send some Bat-Bogey Hexes their way."

"Just know that I will always hold you in my thoughts.

Love, always,

Your son, brother, friend,

Harry James Potter."

The letter crumpled in Ron's hand, tear stains dotting the parchment.

"W-what does this mean?" Hermione asked, her voice trembling as she hugged herself tightly.

"Do you think he..." Sirius choked on his words, unable to finish the thought.

"No, I don't think he did," Molly replied softly, her gaze still fixed on the crumpled note.

"We have to believe that wherever he's gone, he'll be happy," Arthur said solemnly, his voice filled with both wisdom and sorrow.

Goodbye, Harry, they all thought silently. Ron and Sirius stared out of the open window. Hermione and Molly watched the flickering flames in the fireplace. Percy held a book in his hands, his gaze unfocused on a random page. The twins sat quietly, their usual grins replaced by thoughtful expressions. Arthur went out to his Muggle shed. Ginny stared at the wall, lost in her thoughts.


"Do you trust me?" Pan asked, holding Harry's hand tightly.

"Of course," Harry replied without hesitation.

"Then let's go home!" Pan declared, picking up speed as they soared off towards Neverland.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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