Chapter 5

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Max's POV

It was early morning, I sat from across my window staring at the sunrise. Anna and I decided to crash at my place before beginning to embark on our journey later. I didn't feel sleepy at all, maybe that's part of the pros list when you're a ghost. Anna shifted from behind me, rising from the bed while rubbing her eyes. 

"Up so early?" She yawned, stretching her arms out. 

"I don't need sleep. I'm a ghost." I refocused my eyes to the now already rising sun. Oh, how I long to feel the warmth from that big ball of flames. I want to be human again. Anna must've noticed the tone of my voice and sat beside me. 

"You're going to become human again, alright?" She reassured me, smiling softly. I nodded, feeling a little less worried about the trip we're going to make. 

We walked back to the town square of Ellis because apparently Oslocrest is located to the east, completely opposite to where the abandoned amusement park is. I was still low-spirited at our impending journey to make me return to my body again, no pun intended. I'm forever grateful to Anna for all the help she's giving me though and I'm not going to let these human feelings of mine hinder the goal we have planned. Nearing the sign of the town which read, "Thanks for visiting! Please come again!" made my heart squeeze momentarily. I only just realized I would be leaving my hometown without so much as a goodbye to the people dear to me. Stopping for a bit to look back, I gazed at the houses I used to knock on every Halloween with Kathie and Twill, the bakery that sells the best pastries run by Mrs. Cohen, the public library in which Kathie and I used to hang around during a lazy afternoon and the park, built at the center of it all. 

If I hadn't went there this wouldn't have happened.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when a finger poked my cheek. I shifted my gaze at Anna who was looking worried with her brows scrunched up. 

"I'm sorry, Anna I was just-" I got cut off by a voice I was all too familiar with. 

"Twill, give that baaaack! I was reading it!" There stood Kathie by the public library, a big smile etched on her face while chasing down her sister. They both looked so happy. I found myself automatically grinning as well with just the sight of them.

"So that's Kathie, huh?" Anna spoke, observing Kathie and Twill as well.

"Yeah but how'd you know her name?" I questioned, still looking at the two sisters having a playful chase.

"Oh not a big deal really, I always hear you mumble her name all the time." It didn't take long for me to guess that Anna's smirking while she said that. 

"A-Am not!" Cursing myself for stuttering. Anna blocked my vision by standing in front me, still wearing a mischievous grin. 

"Really, now? You're going to play that game? I already know she's someone special to you." She stated confidently. Good thing I was a ghost or I would be a blushing mess right now. My eyes suddenly widened when Anna grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the two girls now sitting tiredly at a bench near the library. Right on cue, their eyes instantly trailed to look at the approaching stranger.

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Kathie's POV

I smacked Twill lightly on the head causing her to voice out an exaggerated pained groan.

"Ouch, Kathie. You just killed me, ow ow ow." She put her hand up to her forehead to emphasize how I hurt her badly. 

"Drama queen." I snickered, panting a tad bit for all the chase that occurred not too long ago. She giggled at my comment and went to rest her head on my shoulder. 

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