(9)my worst enemy married my sister...

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“How long have you been standing there?” she asked me. I looked at her curiously.

“I just got here, why?” I asked her.

“Nothing,” she said and pushed past me.

I shook my head and turned back to my room, stopping as Luna stood there, avoiding my stare. We stood there in silence until she quickly pushed past me and fallowed after her sister.

I looked back at them and furrowed my eye brows. Something was going on between them, but what?

I sighed and dismissed the feeling, walking into my room and shutting myself in it.


Lorance’s POV

“SETTLE DOWN EVERYONE! THE MEETING HAS BEGUNAS HASHAS!” My father yelled as every male from both packs became silent in the clearing we had picked for our meeting. A few wolves were chosen to guard the woods around us incase of any Vampire attacks, but we had decided to stay in our human forms for the meeting.

I stood beside my father and looked out into the clearing. Every male in one pack stood opposite side to the males in the other. It seemed that they still weren’t comfortable with each other.

My father cleared his throat and began to speak again. “Now as you all know both alphas have decided to unite the packs through marriage for important reasons. Recently many vampire attacks have been reported in our community, endangering the lives of many humans and our loved ones.”

“The creation of newborns has skyrocketed these past months, and we are becoming more outnumbered by the vampires every passing minute. We have come to the conclusion that they are planning something against us and the humans.”

The clearing suddenly erupted in talk. My father raised his hand and ordered for silence once again. Once the clearing was silent again, he continued.

“Settle down please. I know it is something to certainly be concerned about. But this is why we have to come together as one strong pack to protect our people.” My father turned towards Luna’s father and let him talk this time.

“I agree with Christiano, the only way to become stronger is to fully join together. This is why I have decided to make Lorance, Beta of the Full moon pack, also Beta of the New Moon pack as well.” Members of the New moon pack began to talk among themselves about the new information.

I looked around the clearing and took in there reactions. Most of them were not happy with me becoming their new Beta. There reaction reminded me of Luna’s.

Luna’s father motioned for me to stand beside him as he cleared his throat. Every male became silent again.

“Now I know that our packs aren’t the friendliest towards each other, but I believe that Lorance will be a great Beta for our new joined pack, isn’t that right Lorance?” I looked up at him and nodded.

“That is correct.” I said. “I will seek the protection of my pack as their Beta, as well as the Blue moon pack. I assure you that you have my word.”

Luna’s POV

I lay in my bed and sighed, turning to face the sealing. Everything that had happened with Lorance this morning just kept playing in my head.


"Luna..." he began, but I cut him off.

"No Lorance, this doesn't mean anything between us, and this doesn't mean I trust you." I spat out and headed for the door.

But he suddenly wrapped his arms around me, spinning me around and pinning me against the wall with his body. I gasped as I could feel his strong muscles beneath his shirt. 

"Let me go Lorance." I whispered.

Our faces were so close I could feel his breath on my face. But he refused to move. He gazed into my eyes, making my stomach erupted with butterflies.

"Why, you didn't mind me touching you a few minutes ago." he breathed into my ear.

 I shivered at his words as he suddenly leaned in and caught my lips with his.

'No Luna, this is wrong. He's your sister's husband for Christ sakes!!' I yelled at myself in my head.

 I mentally shook my head to clear it and pushed Lorance away, slapping him across the face. He stumbled back as he clutched his cheek. He looked back up at me with a shocked expression.

"What the hell was that for?" he said angrily. I glared at him and wiped my lips.

"I don't know who you think you are Lorance, but get this through that thick head of yours once in for all. Stay out of my life. Stay the hell away from me, and don't you ever touch or kiss me again. You got that mutt." I said between clenched teeth and walked out of the room.   


This wasn’t right. I shouldn’t be feeling this way for Lorance, the man who married my sister for Christ sakes! I was going crazy because of him, the way he held me, the way his lips felt on mine. I shook my head.

‘Stop it Luna. Just stop thinking about him already!’ I thought in my head. I took the pillow from under my head and held it over my face, letting out a loud scream into it.

“Someone’s a little stressed.” I deep voice suddenly said as my whole body froze. What the hell was he doing here?

I jumped off of the bed and quickly took the lamp off of my nightstand as a weapon.

“How the hell did you get in here?” I growled at Ryan. Ryan raised his hands as to cause no trouble.

“Your window was open.” He simply said.

“So that gives you the right to come in to my room?” I growled again.

“Luna look...” he took a step towards me as I quickly took one back.

“Don’t you dare come near me Ryan.” I warned him.

“Or what?” with one large step he grabbed the lamp from my hand and pushed me against the wall with his body. “You’re going to hit me with this lamp?” he let it drop to the floor. He was so close to me now that I began to panic a little on the inside. What if he was here to try to force me again? Lorance couldn’t save me this time and all the males were at the meeting.

My body began to shake in fear.

“Let me go Ryan.” I whispered. I felt him press himself more on me and wrap his hands around my waist.

“What if I don’t want to.” he said softly in my ear as I felt his cool breath on my neck.

Suddenly I herd s nock on the door and the door opening, and in a blink of an eye, Ryan stood on the other side of the room.

“Luna I…” Jamie’s gaze went from me to Ryan.”Ryan? I thought you weren’t going to come, and what are you doing in Luna’s room?” She asked him.

“I...I changed my mind and thought it was your room when I came in through the window. But I happen to find Luna instead.” he said smoothly. I rolled my eyes. What a liar.

“Oh,” she said.

“Wait, so you invited him to the house?” I asked her. Jamie turned towards me.

“Oh yea, I forgot to tell you. I asked Ryan to come and see Me.” she said.

“Are you crazy?” I hissed. Jamie rolled her eyes at me.

“Will you calm down Luna? Everyone is at that stupid meeting anyways.” Suddenly there was a nock at the door and all three of us froze in place.

“Luna, open up, we need to talk.” My eyes widened as I recognized his voice. It was Lorance.

“Everyone is at the meeting huh?” I growled at Jamie. Now we were really busted.

my worst enemy married my sister...so why the hell did he claim me as his? (a werewolf love story)Where stories live. Discover now