New start

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My names Ash... well to tell the truth that's not my real name it's a fake name I gave myself after I moved here, to London. I refuse to use my old name. It's got a bad reputation that name; my bad reputation. So I use this new one to keep me hidden I guess.

I sat on the pub steps, a cigarette in hand and a can of beer at my feet. It's not what most people except a 17 year old girl to be doing on a Wednesday night but this is fairly normal to me now.

I stared at my reflection in the window across the ally way from me. My thick chestnut hair hung down but under a black wool beanie. I was warm in my chosen "business" outfit which consisted of black high top converse, black skin tight jeans, black tights tank top, black hoodie with a black hoodless leather jacket over the top. I wore black leather fingerless gloves and a black bandana to cover my lower face when on the "business" trip.

Taking a final swig of my beer I got to my feet with the sound of my phone receiving a message. It was from my 'co-worker' even though I was the leader.

'Their gone. Time to go, A!' It read.

I jogged round the corner whilst pulling my bandana around my nose and mouth to hide my identity. I checked my back pocket to find my knife still there and I could feel my gun in my jean waist band.

I slowed to a fast walk as I neared the building I was going into. I saw G, my 'co-worker', crouched down behind some bins. I joined him with a nod and a few final hand signals indicating I was going through the left hand window and that I had approximately 10 minutes in which to get the package.

I carefully made my way over to the solid sheet of glass and saw that it had been left open. Climbing inside I could instantly smell what I was after; CHG6.

A drug that gave me the bad reputation from where I last did the drug for 2 years.

That was when I was in a gang known as the "Street Fire". I was on of there most best Swifters. Swifters are people who are best at sneaking into places, fighting, killing, staying hidden, being agile, being fearless; but I'm known around the world as the best of them all. I got that title just 5 months into being a full member of the "Street Fire", but that's another story.

I walked towards the fridge as that's where the smell was coming from most and that's usually where this drug should be kept. I checked the area for any traps, sensors and lasers before opening the door to find a silver brief case on the second shelf. That's when I heard the grinding of gears and a crackle like on a microphone.

"Show us your face, A, we can see you!" A deep voice sounded.

I swiped it off the self and dashed back across the room and out the window. Legging it across the yard I screamed, "Go, Go!"

G, K and L got up and ran towards our matte black van parked just out the way of the edge of the road.

I got there first and flung the sliding door across to let them all in. I threw the brief case in and slammed the door shut before clambering into the drives seat and ramming the van into reverse before speeding off down the road with our new money maker for the next few days.

// sorry for the short chapter. They will generally be longer in the next ones. Hope you enjoyed it.//

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