Text in Maths

24 1 3

//this is kind of how I see ash, she's a pretty badass looking girl but I'm sure you lot can use your imagination to see how badass she would look//

The meeting last night consisted of us staying up till 4am planning and researching and replanning our next smuggle/robbery. So I only ended up with 2 hours sleep as I had to wake up and do my workout to keep in shape.

I walked slowly into school with a bottle of lucozade being held lightly in my finger tips. I robbed it from K's stash this morning as I really needed it. I hope he doesn't mind. He's literally obsessed with his stash of energy drinks. I wasn't in the mood for any bullshit or pointless drama. I flipped anyone off who spoke to me and barged through crowds that stood slightly in my way. Let's say I got a few chosen words said back to me and pushed around myself, but I just shrugged it off.

I hung round in the girls toilets before session 3 , which was maths, and let a few of my frustrations out with a fag. The bell went for maths so I unlocked the toilet door and walked straight into a wall. When I say wall I mean 6 foot plus tall guy that goes by the name Loki. He looked at me before taking in a big sniff of the air coming from the girls toilet door which was behind me.

"so that's where you've been... might wanna zip your bag up before anyone else sees. also wanna borrow my deodorant?" he said handing me his can off links.

I quickly sprayed myself top to bottom and back up again before handing it back to him. I silently nodded before making my way to maths which I was going to be late for now because of this little inconvenient encounter.

The bell went as I swung open the door. Great now everyone was looking at me. I really hope I don't smell to much like cigarettes.

I mumbled an apology to my maths teacher then made my way to the back of the class where I usually sit. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Loki sitting in the seat next to the one I sit in. I quickly looked around for anymore empty tables but they were all taken. Mentally kicking myself I made my way to my seat beside Loki.

"You're smelling better than before." He says, I think trying to reassure me no one can smell the fag smoke.

"Thanks by the way." I say pulling out my sketch book, there was no way I was gonna do maths.

I also got out my phone and started to watch some videos on workouts. Whilst on my phone I got a message from G saying there was a class three potential drug muggle near by tonight. Which basically ment it was some everyday illegal drug like weed.

"Class three potential drug.." Loki started reading it over my shoulder.

I quickly clicked off of it and pushed my phone into my jean pockets.

"You saw nothing, right?" I gave him the death stare with a very serious voice that meant I mean business.

He drew back slowly and analysed me before nodding his head. We sat in silence for the rest of the lesson. I refused to look at him or acknowledge when ever be bumped into me trying to catch my attention.

The bell finally went for the end of maths and use quickly made my way out of class. I was half way down the hall when I felt a hand grip my hand and they spun me around to face them. My back went up the lockers and I was starting straight into his eyes. His face was set like stone and I could see he ever chiseled jaw line and cheek structure.

"Get off of me." I said cooly.

"Not until you tell me about that message." He said moving his body closer to mine trying to intimidate me.

I laughed mentally because I've been against men twice his size and easily three times his strength so to me he was merely a child.

"Don't underestimate me, Loki, I'm more dangerous than you think." I said challenging him. I needed some practise and fun so I was pushing him.

He laughed at me." You. Dangerous, you have got to be joking." He said amused.

"Your choice." I shrugged.

I gave him a left hook in the side making him draw back, quickly I grabbed his shoulders and rammed me knee into his stomach. He let out a grunt and groan in pain as he stood hunched over gripping his side and stomach. I went over to him very slowly and leaned towards his ear.

"Don't mess with me or what I do." I whispered sternly before straightening myself out.

I sweeped my bag off the floor and jogged down the hallway leaving him behind in pain. Well he wasn't much fun and he didn't put up much of a fight but at least until know I can still take on guys his size.

I now stood outside a nightclub that was closed at it was like 1pm. I stood with a fag between my fingers in my left hand and I had my phone out in the other hand. I scrolled through Facebook and Twitter waiting for G to come give me the briefing.

I rang him when I left school saying an event rose so I left school and I was on my way to the "Dirty Girl Nightclub" to get the brief for tonight.

I was planning on staying out still about 8pm any way finishing off a few of my own business meetings that the others had no idea about but I needed the extra money so I had to do it. I had to go behind their backs otherwise I'd still be barely getting enough for what I needed.

At about 1:30pm G pulled up in his day time car, a Honda which was to me was an eye saw but we needed a car for the day time that no one would suspect of being suspicious or showed we had money. We needed to blend in around for safety and security.

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