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G climbed out the Honda and came round the back of the car to meet me by the boot. He popped it open and pasted me my gun belt with my gun in. I strapped it round my waist and thigh and put the extra bullets in my back Jean pockets. I put my fingerless leather gloves in my grip and put on my hoody with a leather hood. I slipped on my all black running shoes.

G gave me the final details of what I needed to do. "Go through the back left window on the second floor. You should be able to use the old shed at the back to get up to it. Once your in its on the right, the weed should be in some old chest-of-draws. Okay?"

"Give me 20 minutes I should be out if not wait a further 3 minutes before sending K in." I said before turning on my heels and jogging towards the building G told where the drugs were.

Once I go to the five story building. I cautiously made my way the back and hopped over the low fence that went around a small paved court yard covered in scrawny weeds. I glance all around checking for any guard dogs, people or cameras but it seemed to be all clear. I stayed in the shadows glancing up at every window to see if I could see anyone looking but the place seemed to be abandoned; and have been for a year or two apart from the occasional drug dealers and smugglers that were sure to use it.

After patiently waiting for a few minutes I carefully made my way out of the shadows and towards the old shed G told me about. The window to it was all smashed in and the door wasn't even on the shed it was half way across the yard; chard and in various sized prices obviously used to make a fire.

I placed my foot on some breeze blocks by the shed and placed my other foot in the window hole. I threw my hands up to hold the shed roof and pulled myself up. Now I was on top, I carefully looked around again before looking up to where the window was that G also told me about. I stepped back a few paces before making a run towards the building and jumped towards the window. My hands landed on the window ledge and I gripped tightly before pulling myself up catching my breath as I did so.

I landed on the creaky wooden floor. The air smelt damp and musky and there was a definite smell of weed. I glanced around my heart beating slightly faster than normal as I tried to get my bearings in this dark room and to keep silent. At this point I have up using my eye sight as it would take a while to adjust to the low lightly. So I used my sense of smell to sniff my way to where the weed was stored.

A few moments passed by with me sniffing around the rooms untill I found the chest of draws. I pulled open the top draw to see three clear bags filled with weed. I push them into my back pack before making my way towards the room that I came in from.

I stopped dead. I could feel someone watching me, there eyes on me. I glanced around my fists clenched and ready for them to come at me. I made this clear to them. But I saw nobody. And I heard nothing but I could still sense someone near by. Threat or not I didn't want to wait to find out so I jogged towards the open window and jumped out onto the shed. I slid off the shed and into the paved court yard being careful not to make enough sound or to draw attention to myself. I cleared the fence and made my way round the side of the building. I stopped in the shadows checking the streets and Windows near me before venturing out onto the road.

I jogged towards the street G told me to meet him at. Looking at my watch I smiled to myself. Inside it felt like hours but I had only gone and done it in 16 minutes. I saw G's car up ahead and slowed down to a steady walk.

I walked with confidence to the passenger side and slid into the seat next to him. "I got the good stuff!" I said proudly. But he said nothing and stared straight ahead. Oh notice sweat in his forehead that ran down the side of his face. His hand clenched the stirring wheel so tight his knuckles were white. His breathing was fast but shallow.

I looked up to the rear view mirror to see a pair of icy blue eyes stare straight at me. The rest of his face was covered with a black cloth. I didn't dare breath but I didn't dare break eye contact with him. Instead I stared straight back at him with my own bone chilling stare. His head twitched a bit as if he wanted to look away but he didn't. Instead his eyes glinted a mischievous look.

His arm raised steadily and pointed towards G's head. And the end of his arm was a gun. A matte black gun. Man this guy liked his matte black but what can I say practically everything I owned was black as well.

My heart raced. Shit. He was going to shoot G! Without thinking I whipped around and lunged towards the guy in the back seat taking the gun out of his hand in the process. I quickly punched the guy in the face while I had the chance to. I tried again but I was quickly thrown out the open car door and onto the pavement. I felt blood trickle down my arm but I was to pumped to even care. I pushed myself off the ground only to be kicked back down. The guy stood over me with a steel bar in his hand. Remembering the knife I stored in my jean waist band I pulled it out and stabbed the guy in the leg causing him to let a cry of pain out. I pulled myself up from under him, the knife still in my hand.

The thing about me is I'm not afraid to kill. I'm not afraid to cause pain to others as I have been hurt to much myself to even care.

I kicked and punched the guy till he was on the ground black and blue and covered in blood. I heaved heavily as I whiped away the blood from my mouth. I stared down at him anger and adrenaline pumping though my body. He looked up at me his icy blue eyes scared and terrified for his life. He was saying something but I couldn't hear him. I pulled out the gun from it's holder on my thigh and pointed it directly between his eyes. My finger hovered over the trigger as I looked directly into his eyes.

I pull the trigger when I was knocked harshly from the left causing my shot to go just above his head. I looked up from the ground to see a young looking guy holding a wooden plank. Before I could defend myself he swing it down and everything went black and I was left with a ringing in my ears.

// so sorry for the long update I've been meaning to do it but I've been so busy. I'm glad to have finally update tho//

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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