Day Time Life

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Even though my night life is full of danger and law breaking G still makes me go to school like everyone else. So when my alarm went off I dragged myself out of bed to pull of ripped black skinny jeans, and an over sized black crop top so it hung off one shoulder but still showed my impressive six pack. I slipped on my combat boots and swung my black leather jacket over my shoulder.

I skipped down the steps and burst into the kitchen. "Hello my peasants!" I shouted.

G and L groaned at the same time. " why do you have to be so loud A?"

"Cause I like being loud!" I said happily. I swiped an Apple off the counter before declaring I was walking to school.

"See ya, don't rush home afterwards!" L called from the lounge.

Oh I loved him sometimes. In a brother sort of way even tho he wasn't. "Dont worry I won't, when am I ever home early!? "

Before they could answer that I made me escape through the front door and hopped the gate because I didn't feel like using it like everyone else.

I walked into school but not all happy and cheerful. I did it silently and unnoticed as I was still the new kid even though I had been at this school just over a week. I've been trying hard not to make any enemy's and I've been trying even harder not to make any friends. I don't need either of them in my life.

I walked into English late as I always did because I hate English and the teacher didn't care anyway. "Nice to see you. Better late than never, Ash. Please sit down, anywhere will do." The teacher flapped her hands but never looked at me.

I sat at the back of the class and swung on my chair and that is what I did every lesson except P.E! P.E was my lesson. My lesson to shine and a chance to show everyone what I can do whether that was running, basketball or fitness I could do it all.

I got changed like I did in front of everyone and they always just looked at me because well I was skinny but also strong but everyone pretty much underestimated me. They also probably stared because of the tattoo on my rib cage just under my bra band; and perhaps the scars and bruises all over my body from missions and training. But I was use to all this now and I could pretty much take any thing.

No one said a word to me as we walked outside into the field. I refused to wear what everyone else wore for p.e so I wore my usual training gear. I pulled my hair back into a high pony tail and started to jog round the field.

"Ash knows how to warm up. Follow her everyone." The coach shouted. Great now everyone's doing what I'm doing. Ha well I will show them who's boss, I thought.

On about the 6th lap of the field everyone was pretty walking expect me and one guy who trailed like 500m behind but he was determined to keep going. I wasn't even trying yet so I sped up slightly. 7th lap. 8th lap. I sped up more because he was trying to keep up even though he was struggling loads. 9th lap. 10th lap.

"Come one guys. Stop already." The coach shouted so on the 12th lap I sprinted the last half of it. I over took the poor guy and crossed the finish line leaving him still 200m behind me.

The coach and class came over to me. "Well done that was amazing." " you should join the running team" "that was awesome" "ew your so sweaty" "man, she's fit". Every one was talking to me and about me.

"Erm thanks, I guess." I said loudly before pushing past everyone to get some pace to breathe and to cool down.

A few moments later I felt someone up beside me. Well I more like heard their rapid heavy breathing but I didn't want to make that obvious.

"How the fuck can you run so fast and long?" I heard a deep husky voice from beside me. I turned to look at him and I recognised him from the clothes he wore. He was the guy who was trying to keep up with me. I mentally smirked at myself for my achievement.

"Thank you. And you are?" I asked flat toned.

"Best runner in school. My names Loki, new girl." He said with a smirk.

"Sorry to deflate your ego but you were just out done by a girl half your size by a lap and 200m." I said. And with that I walked away to get changed.

I hate people. I hate getting close to people. I never understood friends and families. The only people I trust are my three gang mates. My 'family' as I like to referrer to them when their not around. I mean they are the only reason I'm alive and not in prison. They mean the world to me.

When I got home I immediately got changed into my training gear again and started on my 2 hour workout to keep in shape before we did our meeting to decide on the next "business" opportunity.

I spent 45 minutes on the punching bag, 30 minutes the weights and another 30 minutes of the running machine. I needed to keep slim, fit and strong if I wanted to be and stay the best. That's how I survived that's how we survived in our world. We fight to keep going. To be the best. To stay the best. And if we don't we end up dead or lost or broken with no where to live and with no meaning to life.

I never really had a "normal" childhood. I've never really had the typical teenage life. I'd rather not re-live my past or retell it. It's something I will never be proud of or be able to accept.

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