Chaptet 97

27 2 2

[Amanda pov]
Me and Jorge are on the couch lookinh to the tv

J: The tv is booring

He did the tv of

A: Ey!
I was looking to that!
J: Idc
A: Ugh

I went away

J: Amanda!
Wait, what do you go to do?
A: Going away from you
J: What's up?
A: I'm bored and then you took the tv of also!
J: Wait
I think i have something to do
A: What?

After a long time that he have pack some things, we went to the parc

A: Jorge what do you wanna do in a parc on 6pm?
J: I have a perfect evening
Amazing romantic!
And it's just all in this bag

He nod to a bag on his arm
And he put a football out of it

J: Here we start with
A: Is that romantic?!
J: Wait

And he start to just play footbal
This time footbal?
I did with him and i stardet to like it
It was kind of fun
After that he put the ball away
And take a blanket out of his bag

is the romantic part
A: ahhn..

We go sit on the blanket
He was right it is romantic
We are just ALONE on the parc and the sun was going under
This evening was so fun
We have pick nick together

A: And what now?
J: This

He kiss me hard
He immediately took my head and push it more to him
We are kissing like 2 freaks but on the good way
His hand slips everywhere on my body
Then we pulled away and breath heavy

A: I love you mister Blanco

And we kiss farder
And there we end..
Kissing and more on a parc at 7:30pm

What will happen next?
I hope you like it
Love you x

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