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    She stood on the roof the building, her hair blowing in the breeze. It struck her in the face with a slight sting that would normally pull a person out of their head. However, her life had changed drastically. Only a few months before she had been a normal girl. Her college life was going well, she even planned a trip overseas for her summer break, like many students her age did. Her family was supportive and the image perfect family. But all that had changed.

    Her eyes were locked on the skyline, a picture perfect sunset on the horizon. But the eyes that viewed them were new, the eyes of a different person. The colors faded together with a red closest to the sun as the orange spread out about the red haze and the pure pink spread out from there that lit up the entire sky. Once, a long time ago, such a sunset would have had her in awe at its natural and pure beauty, but now it was cruel. The beauty taunted her in a way that was almost evil. The sunset whispered promises and hopes of a girl she once knew.

    She looked down at the family below, the family that was once hers. Their laughter filled her ears that would shoot a jolt of nostalgia through anyone’s heart but she remained cold, as if she never knew the people and they didn’t affect her. She felt a bite in her palms and glanced down, her nails had dug into her skin. If she didn’t keep her nails clipped so short in her new life then they would have bitten through her skin. She glanced one last time at the sunset then at the family, painting a picture in her head that would last her the rest of her short life.

    With the picture locked in place she turned and walked to the middle of the roof as a door appeared as if on her command, as if it was connected to her energy as she wished to leave the world that was once her home. She turned the knob and stepped through the door, leaving all she once knew behind for good.

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